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Topic: Really basic question about pedalling! (Read 3186 times) previous topic - next topic

Really basic question about pedalling!

Excuse my ignorance on this matter, but I thought piano
pedalling was always done just on the bass clef? I've downloaded a few Noteworthy Composer files where there is pedalling on the treble clef too. Does NW want us to add pedalling on both? (There doesn't seem to be much difference if I do, well not to my ears I must confess). Thanks.

Re: Really basic question about pedalling!

Reply #1
If you assign different MIDI channels to Left Hand and Right Hand staves (which is advisable if you have channels to spare) and if you want to hear the effect of using the sustain pedal on each staff, you need to insert Pedal and Release instructions on each staff.  If you then also wish to produce a printed score it would be neater to hide the instructions on the Right Hand staff.
If you assign the same MIDI channel to both staves, you can probably get away with putting Pedal indications on the bass staff only.