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Topic: Authenticated in beta 1u ? (Read 10677 times) previous topic - next topic

Authenticated in beta 1u ?

I noticed that today's update included an improvement to the online feature, so I thought I'd check it out. Normally, I would not be on the Internet and using the software simultaneously, since more than one computer is involved.

I see that when accessed from within NWC2, at the top of the forum there is an "Authenticated" message. Was it there before? Presumably, the forum now knows that this is real, and not an alias (rather, not an alias of an alias).

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #1
This is a mechanism under experimental development. The "Authenticated" message indicates that you are actually using the latest NWC2 preview release.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #2
It would also appear that the 'check for web update' option has been removed from the About window.  I wonder if the site will now automatically notify you when there is an update to the installed version available?

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #3
The program does not automatically detect when updates are available. The preview edition does have an expiry date, and then asks you to check for an update.

The "Access" command sends your current version to our server. If there is an update, you will be notified in the browser session that was started.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #4
Off-topic, but this seems like as good a place as any to mention... In the near future, I will again be away from my own computer for an extended period, so I won't be doing any music notation (only checking Email from the library). In consequence, I won't be heard from on the forums.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #5
You now need to use the Access Noteworthy menu item in order to post in this forum. This is the start of an evolutionary process that should eventually alleviate the garbage posts that have been intruding on this forum.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #6
Excellent. I was wondering when NWC would clamp down. It means that when I leave in a couple of weeks, I won't be able to post here, but then again, I won't know about any updates. But the forum can still be read, yes?

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #7
Currently, most parts of the forum can be read by all. Only the NWC2 user bios are somewhat hidden from non-NWC2 user viewing.

Also, anyone that currently holds a login ID can post in the forum simply by logging into the site. This is only available to a few users at the moment, but should be more generally available soon.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #8
Whew, I acted in time!  Until last week I ran NWC on my laptop, but browsed the web on my desktop.  I've recently bought a USB hard-drive, and since it's given me no bother in the couple of months I've had it, I decided to attach it to the desktop, which meant installing NWC!

So what I'm really doing is testing if I can still post to the forum!

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #9
We understand that you might visit the site from a computer that does not have NWC(2) installed, and we plan to support this approach through a separate login. The changes from today are just the first step.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #10
Ah, so. Actually, without NWC2 in front of me, I'll probably be quiet, even though I could log in the other way. I see that Lawrie and some others are providing the big contributions, these days.

Unless I miss my guess, things are gelling - and when that happens, it might be a good time to clean the NWC1 forum.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #11
Ah  -- On one machine my "go to NWC site" link logs me in, on the other it doesn't.  I'll have to fix that now!

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #12
Eric, I think you're on the right track in reply 5.  Thank you..


Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #13
Hi Robert,
you won't be too quiet I hope - I may have a big "mouth" but I always enjoy conversing with you...  :)

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #14
... there are other opinions regarding quietude. But while I am here: Those note-head replacement scripts (which I wrote last month) are in JavaScript, contained in web pages. NWC2 uses PHP for scripting. My minimal understanding of PHP is that it can wrap itself around other stuff, like HTML? If so, would a PHP wrapper effectively bring the JavaScript into NWC2, so that it could run as a NWC2 script?

I won't be able to answer that question. If it does work, then it would be necessary to write the result to a new staff, not the staff from which input notes were selected (because the change is effectively irreversible).

Also, some shaped notes look better if the stem meets at the corner rather than in the vertical middle. This requires a different strategy depending on stem direction, but the capability is already in the script.

Some shaped note users want the heads to be horizontally centered on the stems, like lollipops (a word that is not in the spelling checker). That's difficult, not because it couldn't be done with a font, but because there would be a problem relating the note head to preceding accidental or (worse) trailing dot.

Finally, it is not at all clear that there are very many users who really need that capability enough to go get it. The market seems limited to a few enthusiasts. I note, for example, that a certain major university has a shaped note singing society, as well as a famous computer science department. Surely the solution is within their own grasp, if they had a mind to solve it.

I mention these things in case there are questions on the subject and I'm not able to do anything except make an occasional comment.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #15
Hiya Robert,
its very late here at the moment so I won't stay long...

Unfortunately I can't help you with the php wrapper thought, but NWC2 is not limited to php scripts - The original scripts were written in perl.  Several useful tools have been written in VBScript and then there is "notewhizzy" which isn't a script at all but a standalone executable.

Personally I think scripts are preferable as they can more easily be checked for buggy/malicious code than can a compiled executable.

As for the shaped notes points, perhaps the popularity of your efforts can be gauged by how often the zip file with the scripts has been downloaded.  I wonder if the scripto is collecting that information.  Maybe a question to Richard is in order.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy your little sojourn away.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #16
Hmmm... It seems that the access feature successfully get to the Internet (calls Firefox, the way I have it set up), but without asking permission from Zone Alarm. As I recall, other programs that use on-line help are flagged by ZA unless I grant routine permission.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #17
I would guess that you have already granted permission to Firefox.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #18
Yes, Firefox (and the underlying Windows service) have permanent permission. But in the case of other applications I have, ZA perceives that it is the application requesting permission, not Firefox, and thus requests permission.

It may be that the other applications are hard-coded to call IE rather than the default browser, and ZA detects the switch to FF. Whatever.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #19
The other applications must be connecting directly to the Internet (many do this). NWC2 does not connect directly. It simply passes an authenticated URL to the Windows Shell, which in your case, is configured to launch in Firefox.

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #20
you cant stop ME !!!!!!!!!

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #21
Nobody can stop you from being a pest. Least of all yourself.
Nobody can stop you from actually buying Noteworthy, either.
What are you waiting for?

Re: Authenticated in beta 1u ?

Reply #22
Not sure I understand, but it looks cool!