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Topic: Feature Request (Read 41018 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Feature Request

Reply #50
A child, I would say. A kid is a she-goat - hence the kid gloves.
Having said that, Billy the Kid is an oxymoron: what is he, a she-goat or a Billygoat?

!ME!, I apologise for being enormously OT again.

Re: Feature Request

Reply #51
Hi Rob,
I thought a kid was a young goat, not a she (nanny)goat...

I don't apologise for being O.T. - I get here so often that I'd end up spending my life apologising for it.  :)

G'day !ME!,
I wondered if I mightn't have put the age bracket a little low.  Oh well, pretty close anyway...

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Feature Request

Reply #52
Like Humphrey Bogart said:

C.R. - Why did you come to Casablanca?
Rick - My health. I came to Casablanca for the water.
C.R. - The water? But we're in the middle of the desert!
Rick - I was misinformed.

Re: Feature Request

Reply #54
As usual, temporary - until September 15, 2005.
Oh my gawd!...

Re: Feature Request

Reply #55
I am trying to emulate the Hal Leonard eazyplay.  Where can I find the info in the info in the temp files referenced throughout this discussion?



Re: Feature Request

Reply #56
I found the font.  I am looking for how to get the note labels as described in the chain.  The function that prints the note alpha name somewhere on the staff.

Re: Feature Request

Reply #57
I am trying to emulate the Hal Leonard eazyplay.  Where can I find the info in the info in the temp files referenced throughout this discussion?
The "temp files" can be gotten from:
Scroll down or search for: hedz
Quote from:
I have not tried the webpages in the zip. Perhaps someone else can guide you as to their use.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Feature Request

Reply #58
Thanks, the info was helpful.  I am not getting the result I am looking for though.  Thanks again.