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Topic: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug? (Read 4710 times) previous topic - next topic

RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Is this a feature or a bug?

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This may have some uses in lyrics with varying syllables in different verses, but I don't want to use it if it a bug and is likely to change.
Registered user since 1996

Re: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Reply #1
Hi Rick,
I'm guessing of course, but having looked at the clip text I would bet that this is a feature.

Pending confirmation from Eric...

Good find!

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Reply #2
How did you do that? I got the grace/rest, but wasn't able to add the 1/4 note to it as a chord. Stem up or down didn't help.

Re: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Reply #3
Umm yeah Rick,
I just did a copy and paste - how _did_ you do it?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Reply #4
The first one is simply a normal RestChord that I selected and hit the "grace button"

The second one is a grace rest + grace note, then I selected it and hit the grace button twice, then audit note stems.

You can complete the set:

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By editing the clipboard text.

Beaming RestChords is a whole 'nother matter...  Generally you can't.

Then there is this restriction on having rests that are longer than the attached note that I have never understood.

It would seem to me that RestChords need not even exist. The rest could be handled like a accidental..."r" instead of "#" or "b". The structure and error checking would be as for any other chord, only the display would be different.

More and more, when I have 2 or more voices, I am just starting out with a layer, knowing that somewhere I am going to run into a problem that is insoluble without layers.
Registered user since 1996

Re: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Reply #5
This looks like a bug (the grace note attribute should apply to everything in the RestChord). I would not recommend trying to exploit it, since it will be fixed.

Re: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Reply #6
It's official. The Grace property will be an all or nothing property on RestChords in the next release of NWC2.

Re: RestChords with grace notes - feature or bug?

Reply #7
It's official. The Grace property will be an all or nothing property on RestChords in the next release of NWC2.

Looks like I lost my bet...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.