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Topic: Glossary (Read 4959 times) previous topic - next topic


As a french speaking man, I find sometimes difficult
to read some messages, or to write ones, because I don't
know the musical vocabulary. Ok, I already read all the
terms, but many often I mix them up, for instance beam/slur,
sharp/flat or quaver/semiquaver/eighth.

Do you know of a glossary of these rather simple terms
(for english people) ? Or maybe would it be possible to
add it on ntworthy site ?

Thank you very much...

Re: Glossary

Reply #4
Thank you, Barry, it was not exactly what I was looking
for, but it was very interesting anyway (even if I don't
agree when musical courses state as a golden rule:
"1 quarter note = 1 beat")

And thank you very much, Peter, that was precisely what
I expected to find. Once again, I didn't started with
Reading The Fine Manual...

Re: Glossary

Reply #5
Hi, it's me again.

Finally, I didn't found what I was looking for.
Ok, I found the words that can be difficult to understand,
even for english or american people (such as coda, fermata
or hemidemisemiquaver), but I don't find the basic vocabulary.

For instance, I can't find the name of the symbol that is
between flat and sharp (french: bemol, becarre, diese),
and I can't find the name of the note duration that is
twice the whole (french: 1 carree = 2 rondes).

Such a glossary should include terms such as: beam, slur,
treble clef, key signature, ledger line, rest, beat, bar
line, triplet, staff and so on. Does this exist somewhere ?

Re: Glossary

Reply #6
Hello again, Olivier,

I think you're going to have to consult a French - English dictionary for these translations. I have a pocket size one which has 'becarre' = 'natural' (as expected). It also correctly lists bemol (flat) and diese (sharp). 'ronde' translates correctly as 'semibreve', so 'carree' = 'breve'. If a pocket dictionary has these terms, I expect a large dictionary would contain all the terms you require. Perhaps a visit to your local library would help??

Best of luck, Peter.

Re: Glossary

Reply #7
Peter, Olivier,
in a french/english dictionary you'll get silly things (as silly as what you'd get with !).
So here are the translations Olivier asked for, since I didn't find any place on the www for this :
(note that I once translated NWC (1.21) in French, but gave up since I had to "redo from start" (hey, sounds basic!) each and every new version...)
beam: ?barre? NPC avec "barre de mesure"
slur: liaison
treble clef: clé de sol
alto clef: clé d'ut 3
tenor clef: clef d'ut 4
key signature: armure
ledger line: ??? un exemple stp, Olivier ??
rest: silence (parfois soupir)
beat: temps (composé ou non)
bar: barre de mesure
line: ligne
triplet: triolet
and so on:etc.
Does this exist somewhere ?: Alas, not to my humble knowledge. I just search for 1/2 hour though...

I'll set up a page on one of my sites in the (end of the) current month (June1998). You should know it via the page at that time.

Hope this helps.
BTW, how many french or french-speaking users is there ??

Viel Spaß, (in german, my "geo-native" tongue)