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Topic: Plug-in for google desktop search? (Read 7081 times) previous topic - next topic

Plug-in for google desktop search?

IMHO, associating two great software companies is a good idea, so I just wanted to know if a plug-in for Google Desktop Search was planned?
More information on programming this here.

Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #1
The links suggest that you are a paid fan of Google. I reserve some doubts.

Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #2
Hey FoG
are you nuts?  Why burden a perfectly good, lean piece of software with something that your browser will do?

I use google a lot and I do _not_ want to integrate google searches into _any_ of my applications.

Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #3
Iam not exactly sure what the original poster intended, but in my AOL favourites list I have the main NWC sites listed and get there without problems

Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #4
Clearly, you missed the point. I may not have been clear enough, so...

First, I'm NOT paid by Google.

Second, I do NOT want that Google come into NWC.
I'd just want to be able to find an NWC file on MY computer using the Google efficiency, based on lyrics, composer, etc... requests.
As we can do now with .kar files (using a plug-in).
Exactly as I am able now to find THE document I'm looking for among 101,316 of them (.doc, .ppt, .pdf, and many others).
I know the files I've written, but my memories tend to vanish. And all the files I have on my PC are not mine (at the office at last).
And having hundred of NWC files (at home this time) is sometimes difficult to find the right one for some purpose.
For example, I have pieces of Mozart scattered among Opera, Flute, etc. And would be very happy to find all of them where a flute is needed, for example, or which are in E flat.

Third, does any one of those who responded tried the Google Desktop Search tool? It's free. And can be removed easily.

P.S. If you set properly your FW, you may want to block 4 times the installer at the end of the install process. I did, I don't want to send some information I do not know to someone I don't know either.

Such a plug-in would allow YOU (and not anyone at Google on the Internet) to find quickly any file about a given subject, including NWC files.

Hoping I made things clearer :)
Best wishes,
a NWC fan (first).

Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #5
I can see your point. If you do a Google desktop search and look for some lyrics, and you are sure 'No star is o'er the lake' is in all these Noteworthy files somewhere... yes, then Google desktop search could do valuable services.
But I have no idea how to write such an interface, and how many Google desktop search fans there are already, or indeed among NWC users.

Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #6
I doubt we'll see the Google search feature in NWC for a long time.

Meanwhile, Windows provides a search or find tool in the Start menu.  You can easily search for all files with the nwc extension, or you can search for songs with certain words embedded in them, then transfer them all into one folder.

I do suggest creating one folder for keeping all your nwc files, with as many subfolders as you wish.

Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #7
I see the point this person mentions.
The "F3" tool of Windows(tm) lacks of efficiency.

On my side I've made (12 years ago) a tool calld ou.bat (where.bat) which gives me instantly all the files search; it's the same principle of the unix locate : it keeps a list of file names (and path) up to date, and search in that list (but with regexp, such as "bach.*fl.te.*nwc$" to find the nwc files in Bach directories with flöte/flute/flûte in the full name(path+filename).)).

With google desktop serach that I've just installed (one hour ago, it needs some time to index the disk but does it in background), you can find in filenames AND in contents. Answer is instantaneous, but limited to files it can analyze (NWC files contents are not indexed, but the filename is). I think that if NW provided such a plug-in for the desktop google tool would help.

But all this can be already done more efficiently with TotalCommander, as usually ;) : searching for filenames AND contents with (or without) regexp. Even in compressed (zip, rar, ...) files :D

HTH :)


Re: Plug-in for google desktop search?

Reply #8
I can see what FoG means.
Basically, Google Desktop is a google-like search tool for your hard drive.
I haven't installed it, but it looks like it would need a tool written in Perl, Java, Python or similar, which would know the internal format of an NWC file so it could pull out lyrics, staff names and comments (text? - that might get messy, as a lot of text is used for extra markup - ie it isn't text as such).

The tool at gives some information, but not lyrics.

My guess is that this sort of interface would need to be written by noteworthy software, as they are the only ones with knowledge of the nwc 1 & 2 file formats.