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Topic: playing wav files with NWC (Read 4992 times) previous topic - next topic

playing wav files with NWC

I have some wav files I want play with MWC. MWC won't open wav files. Can anyone help?

Re: playing wav files with NWC

Reply #1
This has been frequently asked, usually under the topic "convert WAV to
MIDI." The answer is NO, for profound reasons that are not related to the
NWC program. Basically, a WAV file is audio, whereas MIDI is a set of
computer instrument instructions. The latter can be approximately
converted to notation.


Re: playing wav files with NWC

Reply #2
Thank you for the reply N.O. but that doesn't answer my question. Did you mean that noone can help? I already know that the program won't play them. I have tried some converters but they only convert part of the file.(only one instrument). Can anyone else help?

Re: playing wav files with NWC

Reply #3
Hi Donald,

The subject has been discussed many times in the forum, and the consensus is that you only have a chance to convert wav to NWC if it's a one-line tune.  There are programs you can find on the web that say they will do that, but you'd have to search for them.

As far as I know, any conversion would be from wav to midi, and then you would import the midi into NWC.

You can go the other way, though, since your sound card probably has a program to capture the sound that is routed through it.  With Soundblaster Live! it's called Creative Wave Studio.  Just open it and set it to record, then go back to your song in NWC, and press F5 to play it.

Re: playing wav files with NWC

Reply #4
okay, i want to know if you can open a file and have a WAV file play automatically. i think you can by using the customize folder, but i dont know exactly how. can anyone help me?

Re: playing wav files with NWC

Reply #5
Bill, it's not clear what you're asking.

A WAV file is just the format in which the sound is captured as an audio file by and for the computer.  WAV files are what you hear on a commercial CD.

You cannot open a WAV file in Noteworthy.

You cannot convert anything but a very simple WAV file to MID (midi) and you need to acquire the right software to do that.  It's not part of NWC.  Search this forum for "wav to midi" for more info.

You can open a MID file in NWC.

You can save (export) NWC to MID

You can capture the sound output of NWC as a WAV file by activating your sound recorder program that came with your operating system or your sound card.  Just set those to record then press play (F6) in NWC.

You can reduce the size of a WAV file by converting it to MP3, but you need a utility for that.  It's not part of NWC but it may possibly be in your media player.

You can play the WAV or MIDI file in your media player file.

You cannot, so far as I know, play the NWC file in your media player file without first recording it as WAV as I described above.

For details about how to record the WAV from NWC playback, start with  If that doesn't give you enough info, just use the search tool, looking for "WAV"

Hope this helps