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Topic: Putting several small on one page (Read 2755 times) previous topic - next topic

Putting several small on one page

How can I put a play list of several pieces on one page with the name of each above the piece?

Re: Putting several small on one page

Reply #1
If you're talking about several short ( say 4 bars (measures) pieces of music you could 1. Do them as a continuous piece and with judicial use of Staff properties\Upper and line break , seperate the pieces and then enter the titles as text or 2.Do each piece as a separate file and then Print Preview\Copy and paste each onto to a Word page one below the other.

Re: Putting several small on one page

Reply #2
I think Laurie actually wants the pieces to be played, not just print.

In this case, let me expand on llucy's first suggestion. In one NWC file, create each piece as a separate staff. Using text, place the title of each staff just above it.

Also create a line of text above all the music, with instructions. Tell the user that it is necessary to mute each staff except the one to be heard. Without muting, all the music will play simultaneously, since the program thinks that it is all one piece of music!

Re: Putting several small on one page

Reply #3
I did work out how to type the music as a continuous piece and used a semibreve rest in between bar lines to format the pieces to allow me to begin each piece at the left of the page.
I tried to paste into word but it did not happen. I'll have another go. There is a real need for this I hope the programmers of NWC make it available sometime.

Re: Putting several small on one page

Reply #4
Go to Print Preview, and hit the Copy button. Copy to Windows Clipboard. Now go to Word, and Paste.
(maybe you tried to copy directly from the score - and that does not work.)