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Topic: NWC files not found by browser (Read 6012 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC files not found by browser

My web provider (who is usually pretty good, but apparently stumped on this one) recently moved me to a new site, with, presumably, an updated FrontPage extensions server. Although I still have the .htaccess thingy installed in the nwc directory, I get the message from all browsers (IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera) that the page cannot be found.

I have attempted deleting and reinstalling the relevant directory (with Front Page's special cnf file), both on the domain and from my disk based web.

Anyone else out there ever have this problem? Be nice if I could make the nwc versions available again.


Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #1
The other files seem to be there. Midi files, for instance.
I get the same error when I try to access .nwc files from the psalmistry site.
Two things can be the matter (at least):
- the nwc files are in a different directory, so the HTML page(s) have to be corrected;
- the rights to these files, under Unix, have been set so that an Internet-user cannot see them. That is why the page cannot be found. It is there, but you don't see it.

Can you see the nwc files when you use an FTP program?

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #2
It's not Unix. The headers from the link that Steve posted are:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Length: 1635
Content-Type: text/html
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
MicrosoftOfficeWebServer: 5.0_Pub
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:23:17 GMT

I'm not all that familiar with IIS (been a long time since I used it), but this error usually means that the file in question is not located at the requested URL. If the NWC file is really there, perhaps you need to configure something in IIS to force it to serve it up.

FYI: An htaccess file is not used on Microsoft's server software.

See also:

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #3
Thanks for the replies.

I was finally able to trace the problem to lack of a mime definition for nwc files in the new windows server.


Had my web provider add in a new mime type for nwc (.nwc      application/x-nwc) and voila! Now again works with Mozilla, Netscape and Opera. (Right clicking the nwc file link allows a person to download the nwc file in the more balky Internet Explorer).

No more "Page not found" errors.

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #4
With regard to IE.6 I got a pleasant suprise today. NWC files open and play correctly - nwc1 files open in version 1 and nwc2 open in 2. I do not have any plug-ins installed. They appear to download first, then open the appropriate program.

Is this something new in nwc? Or has M$ had a change of heart. It's the latest version of IE (I think) downloaded a day or two ago.


Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #5
This is not anything new. I assume that you have the NWC2 Viewer installed, and it is configured to launch NWC1/2 files into the proper NWC program. The exact behavior is controlled by the Viewer's Tools->Options area.

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #6
Yes I do have viewer installed as you say. Would the same  apply to anyone who had the viewer but not the progam?


Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #7
Here is how it works:

  • If you only have the Viewer, then NWC files are only going to open in the Viewer.

  • If you have the Viewer and NWC1, and Automatic Launch into NWC is enabled, then the Viewer opens version 2 files, and NWC1 opens version 1 files.

  • If you have the Viewer and NWC2, and Automatic Launch into NWC is enabled, then NWC2 "opens" all NWC files. In this configuration, you have to explicitly "View" to open NWC files in the Viewer.

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #8
If you only have the Viewer, then NWC files are only going to open in the Viewer.
If you have only the Viewer, then NWC files are going to open only in the Viewer.

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #9
Hmmm, NWC viewer sounds nice.

Before I install it (and/or change instructions on my web site), will the viewer override the plugin if both are installed?

My concern is that with the plugin, users can print out the nwc scores even if they do not have noteworthy, so long as they browse with Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, Opera. If I remember correctly, printing is not an option with the viewer? (Not sure about the latter since I no longer have the viewer installed).

If there is a difference in printing capabilities, does the viewer installation program automatically give options as to the desired browsers so that users can select solely the reluctant I.E., and continue to have the plugin work with the more friendly alternate browsers?

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #10
The viewer is a stand alone application (unlike the browser plug-in). If you link to the *.nwc files on your web site with standard anchor tags, then the viewer should work with any Windows browser (assuming the browser is working correctly and your server is using, at a minimum, a binary MIME type for *.nwc files).

Re: NWC files not found by browser

Reply #11
The Viewer certainly has the capability of printing (although you can't tweak margins etc) but there is a curious difference compared to the output of NWC itself. The bar numbers in NWC are placed at the beginning of each system: in NWV they are every 5 bars. Curious.