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Topic: Two suggestions to wishlist (Read 3603 times) previous topic - next topic

Two suggestions to wishlist


I tried to send things to wishlist, but my Netscape crashed (a bug still on?), so I'll post them here:

1) I would like to have many notes tied at once. You know, when you have many notes in one place (I don't know what that is called), you could just paint the note group and press "tie" button, and all those notes would get tied.

2) Please add 'tieing' between notes of different pitch (or have I just missed that option?)


Re: Two suggestions to wishlist

Reply #1
I quite agree with your wish to have several notes tied at once ; it would be particularily useful for arpeggios.
Moreover, such an extension is easy to implement - a loop treating sequentially each note of the selection, exactly as the user would do.

But... as regards your second wish, it seems that you actually have missed an option :) !
Indeed there's a distinction between the tie (2 notes of the same pitch, which form one note whose duration is the sum of the single notes' ones) and the slur (from one note to another, even of equal pitch, introducing a continuity into the melodic flow). To obtain a slur, select a group of notes and press ';' or the slur button (the one with a curly arrow). The slur will end upon the note (or silence) next to your selection.


Re: Two suggestions to wishlist

Reply #2
Does Joonas mean a Glissando between notes?

Re: Two suggestions to wishlist

Reply #3
No, I meant just what Thomas described. And now I know how to do it :-)

Erm... is there glissando option in NWC, btw?-)

Re: Two suggestions to wishlist

Reply #4
Unfortunately not . Yet another wish Huh !