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Topic: Subtitles (Read 4487 times) previous topic - next topic


Is there a way to add a subtitle, or alternate title, to a score?  Seems that I have tried this before, but never found a way...

Re: Subtitles

Reply #1
Select the most central bar on the top staff of the top system and insert a text item in a suitable (user) font positioned quite a bit above the staff. Subtle positioning, justification and padding with alt+0160 will achieve the effect you want.

Re: Subtitles

Reply #2
Alt-0160 is a 'non-breaking space'... Please, what exactly does this do?

Re: Subtitles

Reply #3
Creates a space between two words which, since it's non-breaking, I think will treat the words as one word for the purposes of wordwrap.

Re: Subtitles

Reply #4
Well that's right, but in this instance I suggest that it is used to pad the front or the back of the title to get it exactly centered once you have positioned it as near as you can get using other NWC constructs.

Re: Subtitles

Reply #5
I suggest that it is better to add the subtitle as a text item at the START of the first stave and pad with any old spaces - breaking or non-breaking until the text is where you want it.  The advantage of placing the text item at the start of the stave is that it won't move if you edit the song.

I don't see any need for non-breaking spaces; if there is a break then you have put too many spaces in! ... or have I missed something?


Re: Subtitles

Reply #6
Steve's idea, ordinary taps of the space bar, as opposed to using non-breaking spaces, works fine for me.  My system is Win98, FWIW.

Re: Subtitles

Reply #7
I meant Stephen not Steve.  I've gotten in the habit of using the familiar form of your name because my son-in-law prefers it.  Sorry.

Re: Subtitles

Reply #8
It really does not bother me what I get called.  As a child I was always Stephen to my parents, Steve to my friends.  I was generally Steve at work until I made a career change about 10 years ago and decided to sign myself Stephen to mark the end of one era and the start of the new.  But I'm still happy to get stuff addressed to Steve.

I also see many variations on my surname:  Randle Randell Rendal, Ramble, Amble, Bramble, Wandel, Vandal, Wrangle... to recall just a few.

And when I correspond with my US colleagues it's about an even chance whether they think Randall is my first or last name.

A nose by any name would smell as well.


Re: Subtitles

Reply #9
I use whatever method takes my fancy. Before I print, I check print preview, and if there is any reason to add spaces, non breaking or not, I do it then.

Stephen, I have seen my name changed into weird things, too. You can probably imagine. But the best thing was a so-called clairvoyant who addressed me as 'Dear Mrs. R. D. den Heijer...'

Re: Subtitles

Reply #10
I have people who seem to thing that my name is Al Berger!

Re: Subtitles

Reply #11
The adding a title as text method is also useful if you want to put two songs on a printed page. Just leave the main title blank.