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Topic: Saving to other format (Read 2436 times) previous topic - next topic

Saving to other format

Again, I've read the forum and FAQ, and the easy answer just doesn't exist.  Maybe I'm just not savvy enough.

I want to send a piece to a friend who doesn't have NWC and, due to security regs at his work, can't load it.

How can I convert a .NWC to a .gif or .jpg, anything that can be dropped into Word and attached?  Simple instructions, please...I did try a .emf, but got gibberish in the saved version.  Am I missing a font there?



Re: Saving to other format

Reply #1
1) Bring up the "Print Preview" screen.

2) Press the "prt scr" button on your keyboard.

3) Paste then as a "New Image" to your image processor. (I use "Paint Shop Pro".)

4) Save as a .gif file.

5) email this .gif file to your friend...

Re: Saving to other format

Reply #2
Another way is to use freeware Pdfcreator.exe ( to print the music to a portable document file (pdf). This can be read on-screen or printed by anyone who has the freeware Acrobat Reader program.

Re: Saving to other format

Reply #3
You can also use the Print Preview method above but paste directly to Word as you had said.