Score layout 2004-07-07 02:55 PM Two questions about an orchestral score:First, by using the orchestral staff and layering a blank standard staff before each section, I can get each section (woodwinds, brass, etc.) to bar together, but separately from the other sections. But it would be nice to bracket the first and second violins, the two horn lines, etc. But this requires using the upper and lower grand staves, which don't bar with adjacent staves. So, for example, in the string section, how can you bracket the first and second violins, but still have them barred with the rest of the strings?Second, each page is a whole system. I've labeled each staff with the full name of the instrument(s) (Flutes I and II, Oboes I and II, etc.), and I set it to label only the first system. Is there a way to have another set of labels for subseuquent systems? That is, on p. 2 and onward, it would be nice to have an abbreviated indication of Fl., Ob., etc.Thanks,Peter Quote Selected
Re: Score layout Reply #1 – 2004-07-12 01:41 PM Answering your second question, there is sort of a way.1. Insert a Text Expression right to the beginning of the bar before which you want the label to appear.2. Bring up the Text Expression Properties and set the justification to Right.3. Pad the end of the text with a suitable amount of spaces to make it appear outside the staff.With default settings you can't fit much text to the edge of the page, but adjusting page margins might help. Quote Selected
Re: Score layout Reply #3 – 2004-07-18 02:26 AM For the sectional bracket (question 1), you need to use extra hidden staffs.Turn off "Allow Layering" in the View Menu.Set the staff properties (F2) for Violin 1 to Orchestral, do not layer with next staff.Set Violin 2 to Lower Grand Staff, Layer with next staff.Set Cello and Bass to Orchestral, do not layer.Add a new staff, Name it Staff A, Label it Violin 1, properties = Upper Grand Staff, Layer with next staff. Move it so it is above Violin 1 (use control-page up to move it).Add another new staff. Name it Staff B, label it Violin 2, properties = Orchestral, Layer with next staff. Move it so it is between Violin 1 and Violin 2.Add yet another new staff, name Staff C, label Violin 2 (or leave it blank), Orchestral, do not layer.Add hidden rests and visible bar lines to Staff A, Staff B and Staff C.Use Control-Page Up/Down to move the staffs into this order:Staff AViolin 1Staff BViolin 2Staff CCelloBassNow go to View and turn on Allow Layering.This should be what you're wanting. You may have to fiddle a bit (pun not intended) with the upper and lower staff sizes in the hidden staff to get the orchestral bar lines to connect. Quote Selected