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Topic: Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses (Read 4422 times) previous topic - next topic

Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses

If I have one chorus and many verses, does the lyric editor cope with this (one line of lyrics for part of the song, many lines for other parts)?

Re: Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses

Reply #1

I usually handle this by prefixing each verse other than the first with a number of underscores where the number matches the number of syllables in the chorus. I enter it once, copy it to the clipboard and then paste it into the beginning of each subsequent verse. I don't know if this is the best (or even the only) way to do this, but it works for me!

Tom Gurak

Re: Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses

Reply #2
Tom just beat me to the draw - I've duplicated one of his suggestions!

My wish list includes the ability to change the number of staves
part way through the song, but at the moment there isn't a way
directly to do this or to start a lyric line part way through a song.
Nevertheless there are a number of ways to get round this:

If you want the chorus at the end, then extend one of the verse
lyrics to produce the chorus lyric in line with the chorus music.

If you want the chorus at the beginning, then you must pad out
the unused verse lines with one <SPACE UNDERSCORE> for each
note (or note group using one syllable) of the chorus. It isn't too much
work - once you have the correct amount of spaces in the first verse
just Copy and Paste them into the remaining verses.

The best positioning, avoiding a lot of blank lyric space in the chorus
section will be obtained with a bit more work:
Write the chorus as a separate song, and adjust the top margins
to position it where required. You may then need to split the
song into two files if your piece extends over more than one page.
Or export the printouts (using Copy from Page Preview) into your
favourite publishing suite and adjust the layout to suit yourself.

Re: Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses

Reply #3
Some of the samples demonstrate how to change the appearance of lyric line count; ROSE.NWC for one.

Re: Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses

Reply #4
Is there something new in 2000 ?
I think my problem is the same :
Is there a way to change the number of lyrics inside a song eg. after a bar with a "forced carriage return" ?
Often I have 2 parts in a song :
one named "couplets" in French (my dictionary said "verse" for it but the Webster's does not give an equivalent definition)has always the same notes but each time a different lyric eg. A1 A2 A3 etc.
the other "refrain" in French (my dictionary said "chorus" for it and the Webster's gives an equivalent definition)has always the same notes and the same lyric eg. B.
At play time you have A1 B A2 B A3 B etc. or B A1 B A2 B A3 B etc.
I have also found a song with a 3 parts structure B A1 C B A2 C B A3 C B etc. C being also 1 lyric part (in this case how to use repeats or special endings to play this way ?).
My problem is that the 1 lyric part with room to several lyrics does not look nice and take too much space...
If this is not yet implemented put this in the Wish list !
What are the correct english terms for the 2 parts of the song ?

Re: Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses

Reply #5
> What are the correct english terms for the 2 parts of the
> song ?

"Verse" and "Chorus". The Chorus often uses the same lyrics. If there is a third section (generally only done once, perhaps with a key or time change, or other way of setting it apart) it is usually called a "Bridge."

Re: Lyrics for 1Chorus, Many verses

Reply #6
I plan to enter the following wish :
Variable geometry song
I wish to be able to define 2 or several parts with different numbers of Lyrics AND different vertical sizes ("in properties for vocal").
Rationale :
Often I have 2 parts in a song :
1)One "verse" has always the same notes but each time a different lyric eg. A1 A2 A3 etc.
2) The other "chorus" has always the same notes and the same lyric eg. B. In few cases there are several diferent lyrics but fewer than the number of verse.
At play time you have A1 B A2 B A3 B etc. or B A1 B A2 B A3 B etc.
My problem is that the 1 lyric part with room to several lyrics does not look nice and take too much space...
So it is interesting to be able to define parts with different vertical size and number of lyrics.
Each part should be separated by a break equivalent to a cariage return in text.
If this is not difficult you may add the capability to change other parameters as font size, etc. ...