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Topic: Merging multiple NWC files? (Read 2146 times) previous topic - next topic

Merging multiple NWC files?

Hi everybody!

I hope life is treating you notably good!

I have three different NWC files, woodwind.nwc, brass.nwc and strings.nwc and I want to merge them into one NWC file.  Is there an easy way of merging them easily?



Re: Merging multiple NWC files?

Reply #1
i think the easiest thing to do would be create as many staffs as needed, go to one of your files then copy the staffs one by one then copy them onto the new staffs, one by one.


Re: Merging multiple NWC files?

Reply #2
...and don't forget to set the staff properties in the target staffs, if you're copying parts that have already been transposed, so you can play back without clangour.