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Topic: Getting rid of ledger lines. (Read 2322 times) previous topic - next topic

Getting rid of ledger lines.

I recently downloaded a midi file of piano music.  When I opened it in NoteWorthy composer, the bass clef (left hand) has some arpeggios which go far up into the treble range, and are displayed with a great number of ledger lines in the bass clef.

I'm wondering if there is any way of changing the bass clef to treble clef at the appropriate place, and have the resulting notes in the treble clef, getting rid of the many ledger lines in the bass clef?

Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Getting rid of ledger lines.

Reply #2
Looking at your question it appears you may need to insert new clefs rather than changing an existing one--there are many examples of this in "moonlight" in your samples folder.  Simply click on the treble clef icon or choose the Insert -> Clefs menu option, or press "c".  A bass clef would be added after the high L.H. part is over.  Select everything between the clefs, hold down cntl & shift, and press the down arrow 12 times.
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