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Topic: Value for Money (Read 8683 times) previous topic - next topic

Value for Money

I registered my copy of V1.30a back in 1996 and have enjoyed the benefit of updates through 1.30d and 1.30l, plus a lot of help from Noteworthy and from other users. I've just downloaded V1.50 and see that a lot (if not all) the wants from many people have been incorporated. To me, this represents excellent value for money. Just wanted to say that and to say "thank you" to all at Noteworthy.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #1
I agree with Ken, NWC is a great deal. I downloaded the
shareware version a while back, liked it so much I asked
my wife to get it for my birthday. This has been a much   
appreciated gift. In addition, my 13 year old son is using   
it alot as well. Composing is a great way to learn music.
(as an augmentation to piano lessons). It is also something
that my teenage son and I can share. Thanks to NWC for
making a reasonably priced program that us common-folk can
afford and enjoy.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #2
I bought NWC so I could print out sheet music for my
daughter's choir, but it does so much more for me. I am not
a very good pianist - learning a new piece is difficult. NWC
lets me hear how it should sound, especially the timing, which
is a big help. When I think I know the piece, I put my
notebook computer on the piano and play along. This is much
better than a metronome - it really shows me what parts I am
not playing correctly.

My daughter sings solo pieces. It takes weeks for me to learn
a piece well enough to accompany her, but I can "teach" it
to NWC in one or two hours. Seeing the words and notes turn red
as they are played helps her with her timing. For accompaniments
that do not follow the melody, I can play the melody line
while she is learning the piece, then mute it so she can
learn to sing with the real accompaniment.

Also, she uses NWC to compose her own music on the piano,
which is a great way to reinforce music theory.

NWC is an incredible value. It does all this for me, it is
inexpensive, it works (almost bug free - very professional),
and it even runs on older computers (not much does these days.)

Re: Value for Money

Reply #3
Kudos to Ken for what he said and mega kudos to Eric, Beth and the whole team at NoteWorthy ArtWare, Inc. for what they do. As a retired Senior Field Engineer (hardware and software) for AT&T Technical Services(and longtime amateur and professional musician), I looked long and hard for a music product that would permit me to marry my former vocation and avocation at a price I could afford (no I'm not going to sing The Retirees Blues). I looked long and hard and found some products that required an investment of upwards of five thousand dollars. Then I found Noteworthy Player which lead me to Noteworthy Player. I stopped looking.

What a great product! I only have two (2) questions. (1.) How can the company give-a-way an evaluation copy which has no restrictions?(I am a registered user). (2.) At only 39 bucks a pop, how do these fine people make a living.

Thanks for letting me be a part of the Noteworthy family.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #4
With NWC, I consider myself in possession of a private orchestra for accompanying my concerto pieces. It is just a matter of time to put all the notes and parts together on my computer to drive the MIDI gears. NWC is great!
I have the same two questions as John E. Taylor has posted, and I am interested in knowing the answers from the folks at NoteWorthy.
For your information, I am not yet a registered user and I would register one day.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #5
I thought NWC demo *did* have restrictions. I seem to remember that one could only use the Save function 10 times, or something like that.
I don't remember for sure, because I DL'ed the app, fell in love with it, and faxed my order the next day!
I've tried most of the sequencers and notation apps out there, and for $39 or $390, my choice is NWC.
I have a copy of Passport's Pro Audio 6 on my machine right now, just taking up room.
I love NWC because it will let me enter what *I* want, then go back and change to my heart's content.
Some apps want to protect you from yourself, so they restrict how you can enter material. Not NWC.
Try step recording with Pro Audio, then check the speed of entry with NWC.
I could go on all night, but I'll just say: "Long live NWC."

Re: Value for Money

Reply #6
Just to add my thanks to NWC for the elegant implementation of grace notes.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #7
Couldn't agree more! I have told everyone I know who loves
music about NWC. I'd classify it as one of the best
commercial music programs I've seen.

One use I've found which I haven't seen mentioned is related
to other links on the web such as the Classical Music Archives.
All the music listed for playing is "downloadable" as MIDI
files by right-clicking on them. Then you can import them
into NWC and view/play/print all or parts of them in
score format. My daughter plays the cello and had difficulty
obtaining printed sheet music for certain classical pieces.
Now with NWC it's a snap!

Many thanks to all.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #8
NWC is a very rare beast. An elegant and useful program that doesn't consume vast amounts of computer resource but does provide vast amounts of utility. I am full of admiration so much so as to register and not even mind paying the UK Vaule Added Tax. Well done all imvolved in producing NWC.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #9
If I didn't know better (being an extremely satisfied NWC customer myself), I'd think this thread was phony. I have used NWC to help me learn choral music for the church group I sing with. It has been an absolute lifesaver. I have raved about it to every music-oriented person I know. Now, most of the other members in my church group are also NWC owners as well. One of us will enter a new piece and e-mail or "sneaker net" the piece to the other members. It makes our rehearsals much easier!

I'd especially like to thank the authors for a great job on 1.50. I was truly pleased with the earlier versions, but 1.50 has gone well beyond my expectations. Everything just seems so much easier to do! And being able to change the size of the lyric font is fantastic,


Re: Value for Money

Reply #10
I just wanted to add to the praise of this wonderful piece of software! I tried it out a few months ago, and when I seriously started singing in a quartet in our barbershop chorus we needed something to enter music into to learn the music more easy.

Since then at least two other guys in the chorus have bought (or are seriously considering buying) NoteWorthy Composer. It's a great tool for learning music and to have a nice printout with our own interpretation of the song.

What I miss (I think) is the possibility to enter four different staffs, one for each part in the song (for separation of the parts when making a "practise tape") and then merge them two by two to create a printout with tenor+lead in one staff and baritone+bass in the other. If the merging isn't possible we'll just have to do with twice the staffs in the printout. We could live with that... :-)

Thanks a lot for a great value for money software! It was so easy to order the software from Sweden, Europe, and it arrived with manual and the latest version on diskette within a week!

Best wishes,
// Ola

Re: Value for Money

Reply #11
Regaeing the four different staff parts (referenced in Ola's contribution above), NWC does include an experimental feature that you can play with in version 1.50. It allows you to overlap staff parts, as is commonly done in SATB arrangements (as you mention). At the moment, the files needed to activate the experimental feature are available from the NWC Newsgroup (linked from the main forum index). We will also be making it available from this web site. Check the news for details.

Re: Value for Money

Reply #12
I also would like to add my appreciation to the Noteworthy
I am a low voice singer and have trouble finding pieces
that I would like to sing written for low voice. I can use
NWC and transpose the original music to fit my voice and
then record it on tape and use it as accompaniment.
Great Job! Great Price! Great Software!

Re: Value for Money

Reply #13
I can't quite remember when I registered my copy of NWC (it was long ago), but I have never looked back.

I sing in a male voice choir and also play guitar, and with NWC I can practice my voice parts to my hearts content without frustrating an accompinist.

I do not have much formal training in music and I have found that since I started entering music on NWC my musical theory has improved by leaps and bounds.

Also my appreciation goes to the Noterworthy staff when I lost my registration details through a disk crash, for getting going again.

Greetings form South Africa