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Topic: How to add multiply notes at a line? (Read 2464 times) previous topic - next topic

How to add multiply notes at a line?

Ive been working with NW all the day but can't be arsed to find out how to add two or more notes at a time... so NW played for example G and C at same time.
On the rythms following NW i see its possible but HOW?

Re: How to add multiply notes at a line?

Reply #1
You want to make a chord.

(1) Enter one of the notes, as usual.

(2) Move the cursor up or down to the pitch of another note in that chord. If the note to be added has an accidental, be sure that you have clicked the appropriate symbol.

(3) Hold CTRL then ENTER. That will place the added note on the chord. The magic ingredient is holding CTRL.

This also works for erasing an individual note in a chord: Hold CTRL.

Re: How to add multiply notes at a line?

Reply #2
Isn't that in the help file?