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Topic: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative (Read 8160 times) previous topic - next topic

WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

I've searched the forum, couldn't find any relevant topics, so added the following to the wish list:

I'd like to be able to start measure numbers at a negative number (most often -2). (Page Setup dialog, "measure start")

I often use a two-measure count-in on the hi-hat or something, and like to have the "real" music start at measure number 1 anyway.

Maybe y'all like to support my wish...


Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #1
...or else start bar numbering from somewhere other than the beginning.


Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #2
This is a request I have already made to the wish list.  If you haven't, please make this request on the wish list page to bump up the request tally.  I do the same thing:  have a 2 bar lead-in, which I usually set to "never display", so it doesn't print out.  But the first bar of course is now "3".




Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #3
Or something you can place that will change the bar numbers... There arise problems though, when there are two measure 3s... which one do you "goto?"

Maybe an absolute bar number, and a "display" bar number?


Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #4
You can get the unnumbered bar effect if you use simple layering:
For the intro part -
On the top stave put hidden rests to the value of however many bars intro you don't want numbered. Don't use bar lines in this part of the top stave. Then on the next stave, write your music as you would normally write your top stave. Go to the top stave and in properties, check the box that says layer with next stave. Also in page set up make sure that your bar numbering starts at 0. Your bar numbering will then start at 1 for the stuff after the intro however long it is. Hope I described this ok - it worked for me :)

- Ann

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #7
...have a 2 bar lead-in, which I usually set to "never display", so it doesn't print out.
But that leaves a gap between the time signature and the first notes.  Having one hidden item isn't so bad, but the whole-rest/bar-line/whole-rest combo is a bit large.

And layering is fine for a score, but not for a single part.  Two layered staves will have a hideous line on the left side of every staff, rather than having it open.

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #8
I would like to be able to start at -8.
I have about a dozen charts in my book that start with measures A-H, and then continue with 1, 2, 3...

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #9
Yes, hiding the lead-in bars does leave a gap, but only on the first staff, and I just live with it. :) I used to use multiple copies of my file - one for MIDI performance, another for printout of the score, and yet another for the vocal/instrumental lead sheet - but it got difficult to keep them synchronized when I found a mistake and ended up having to correct them in all files.  So now, I just use one master file for everything and put little notes to myself in the info section (such as "set point size to x to print the whole score; set to y to print the lead sheet).  I'd rather live with a few idiosyncracies of the program than do the extra work to maintain multiple files.  Now, if I could just set the first measure at -2 (or be able to restart numbering on measure 3 back to measure 1, or something that makes measure 3 effectively be the first measure), I'd be a happy camper.  As I said, I had previously made that wish.


Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #10
I've gotten around this by writing a macro that inserts bar numbers as text items every four bars, which you can start from anywhere you want.  Mine starts at bar 1, but of course you could easily change it to start anywhere, and number the bars however you liked, with letters and numbers. I turn off the default bar numbers. It means "go to.." is awkward to use, because it's still keyed to the "real" bar numbers.

The other option is to use frequent rehearsal letters instead of bar numbers.

Macro Recorder isn't included in Windows after 3.1, but you can get it at the Scriptorium, and there may be a similar utility for the decadent versions of Windows.

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #11
>Re reply 4 of msg #3333:

>Ann, I must have misinterpreted your instructions. This file holds my work, top stave & next stave layered as per your remark - no numbering and indeed strange behaviour in the print file: short top stave seems to mess it up. Any hints?<

Wilf - You have to complete the hidden top stave to the end of the piece - It will mess up things if you don't have it the same length as the others - just fill it with invisible rests and barlines exactly as the other staves (only your two bar intro shouldn't have the bar line - You'll see, all the numbering will then appear, and your printout will look fine, with the numbering ignoring your 2 bar intro)

Sorry - I should have described it better...

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #12
Wilm - so sorry about typing your name with an f - fingers went spastic there :(

John - doesn't this method do what you are searching for? I tried it with Wilm's file, and it seemed to work fine?

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #13
Ann's method works good enough for me. There are times when I worry about the difference between sound files and print files in NWC, but other times there's nothing to worry about.

Thanks all!

(and I'd still like a peek at the current Wish List)


Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #14
I just use one master file for everything and ... set point size to x to print the whole score; set to y to print the lead sheet.
But then you have to resize all of the user fonts as well.  And in the score, there wouldn't be a -8- for eight measures of rest.  There would be eight single measures of rest.

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #15
From my point of view, it would be better re-starting new measure number at anywhere I want.
Because sometimes I write two movements in one page if they are short enough (at least for some instrument filled with pile of rests such as contrabass which I play).

This may cause the confusion when using GOTO command as Geoffrey pointed out.
But some rule may solve the problem -e.g. find the left most measure within the right part of the cursor-.

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #16
Don't put numbers on it, print it out, write the numbers in yourself.

Re: WISH LIST: Measure Numbers - start at negative

Reply #17
On a 20-100 measure piece, it might be okay to do that... but if you have 400 measures, you're very likely to screw up.  Besides that, it's time consuming, plus you might have to do 10 or more parts... Much better to let a machine that's very good at counting do it for you.
