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Topic: Measure numbers after repeats (Read 2502 times) previous topic - next topic

Measure numbers after repeats

(I know there's another thread with a similar title, but that's as much about anacruses.)

I have an arrangement which is in 'full' bars - no pickups, repeats in the middle of the bars, or anything fancy like that. It prints as follows -

1st line, bars 1-4 marked with a closing repeat, forced system break, fine.

2nd line, bars 5-12 no repeats, forced system break, and measure number 5 in a box at the beginning so that's fine too.

3rd line, bars 13-16 with opening and closing repeats and bars 17-20 with no repeats, no forced system break, but the measure number at the beginning shows as 12 instead of 13.

(4th line, doesn't start with repeat, correctly shows measure number 21 at start; however similar problem to line 3 appears a few lines later and is corrected by next line.)

I can think of workrounds for the problem with the 3rd line – measure numbering off and use a boxed font; snopake/tippex; or even invisible bars and pipe barlines which could be a pain with the repeat signs. But can anyone point out if I'm doing something wrong, or is this one for the wish list?

The nwc file is at

Re: Measure numbers after repeats

Reply #1
Your file is in an old format, indicating you are using an old version. The behaviour that you describe is fixed in newer releases of NWC.

[Upgrade using your CD]

Re: Measure numbers after repeats

Reply #2
If bar 12 had ended with a (forced) double bar line, as is the proper thing to do, this would have worked even if the behaviour hadn't been fixed in newer releases of NWC.

Also, there are a few hanging note ties, and whole rests should be used even though the meter is three-four time.