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Topic: Find (Ctrl+F) "Tenuto", "Staccato" and "Slur" (Read 2767 times) previous topic - next topic

Find (Ctrl+F) "Tenuto", "Staccato" and "Slur"

How do I use the find-command to find "Tenuto", "Staccato" or "Slur"?
Kind regards
Steffen Appelquist

Re: Find (Ctrl+F) "Tenuto", "Staccato" and "Slur"

Reply #1
First, select any note which matches your criteria and copy it to the clipboard.  Go back to the front of the staff where you want to search and Cntrl/F.  In the "By Expression" window, paste from the clipboard and you will get something like this:

|Note|Duration:Eighth,Tenuto|PitchPos:C 5@6|Visibility:Default

Attributes you are not interested in (or will take anything) should be replaced with an asterisk:


You may have to go back and redo this looking for a Chord instead of a Note.

Since 1998

Re: Find (Ctrl+F) "Tenuto", "Staccato" and "Slur"

Reply #2
It sounds difficult. "First, select any note which matches your criteria". - It sounds like a joke.
I want to find one (only one) single special note. How do I do it? You find it and copy it into clipboard!
Steffen Appelquist

Re: Find (Ctrl+F) "Tenuto", "Staccato" and "Slur"

Reply #3
Not too difficult.

If you don't have a convenient example of what you want to find already in the score then just enter one temporarily - i.e. a note with with a tenuto mark/staccato mark or slur - then cut (rather than copy) and paste to the find dialogue and edit as Warren says.
