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Topic: Setting MIDI instruments to synth (Read 2422 times) previous topic - next topic

Setting MIDI instruments to synth

I've been trying NoteWorthy for the past couple of days and have been able to get most of what I want/need to work...except getting the playback of a song in NoteWorthy to correctly set the 'instrument' in either of my synthesizers.

I have two Yamaha units, a DX11 and a TX81Z.  I believe that I have everything cabled correctly.  Playing a song in NW results in the synths generating the sounds.  Playing the DX11 keyboard while NW is in 'record' mode correctly captures the notes played.  The PC is running XP Pro.

Both synths represent their instruments as a single alphabetic character (A thru D), followed by a number (1 thru 32).  There's also an "internal" set for creating custom patches, lettered "I".

I have tried using either/both the "MIDI control" and "Staff properties" (right mouse-click off the staff) pop-ups to set the instrument patch or the bank selected, in what I think has been all possible combinations...but nothing ever seems to happen.

...I've got to believe that I'm missing something obvious, but....?

-many thanks for any help that might be offered,


Re: Setting MIDI instruments to synth

Reply #1
It has been a long time since I worked with these Yamaha synths. You should be able to select your A through D sounds using just a simple Instrument Patch change. A1 through A32 are probably patches 1 through 32, B1 through B32 are probably patches 33 through 64, C1 through C32 are probably patches 65 through 96, and D1 through D32 are probably patches 97 through 128 (using 1 based numbering in NWC).

I just looked over the DX11 manual on the Yamaha web site. It appears to have an option that, when set, tells the unit to ignore incoming MIDI program changes. There is not any mention of Bank Select messages, which is consistent with my recollection of the classic Yamaha DX synth series. I found the manual at:

Re: Setting MIDI instruments to synth

Reply #2
The hint about ignoring program changes led me to check what happens when a program change was sent to the synths...

Turns out there is a program change table that seems to map the change message to an onboard instrument.  When I set the table to map to the instruments that I was looking for it now does the correct translation.

Seems kind of a dumb way to do without a way to bypass the table....but heck, it works.

-many thanks,