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Topic: transpose trombone bass clef to a treble clef baritone (Read 10154 times) previous topic - next topic

transpose trombone bass clef to a treble clef baritone

I'm new at this.  Could someone please tell me a fast way to transpose bass clef trombone to a treble clef baritone.

please help!!!

Re: transpose trombone bass clef to a treble clef baritone

Reply #1
First convert the bass clef part to treble clef.  Highlight the entire staff, press Ctrl-Down arrow 12 times.  Remove the bass clef sign and insert a treble clef.

You now have the part in the treble clef in concert pitch.
If you want to double check your transposition, take note of the first note of the piece before doing anything.  After converting to treble clef, compare the first note to the old first note.  They should be the same.  A bass clef fourth line F should have come out exactly three leger lines under the treble clef.

I think baritone t.c. is normally a Bb transposing instrument, reading an octave and a tone above the actual sound.

Now you have the music in concert pitch in the treble clef, go to the Tools menu, Transpose function, and transpose the staff up 14 semitones.  I think the function limits you to 12 semitones at a time, so make it a two step process, 12 semitones and 2 semitones.

That's all.

Re: transpose trombone bass clef to a treble clef baritone

Reply #2
No offense to David's suggested method, but you can do this quicker and easier.

Before you convert to treble clef, transpose your bass clef staff up 2 semitones (i.e. a part in Bflat should be transposed up to C).

Next, change the bass clef to a treble clef.

Finally, select all notes and then use 'ctrl-shift-down' to move the notes down 5 steps.  The quickest way to select all notes is to put your cursor at the beginning of the staff, hold down 'shift' and then press the 'end' key.

Good Luck!!

Re: transpose trombone bass clef to a treble clef baritone

Reply #3
It worked

Re: transpose trombone bass clef to a treble clef baritone

Reply #4
I agree with Chris.  I think my method was about 26 keystrokes, and his method takes about half of that.  Well done, Chris!

Re: transpose trombone bass clef to a treble clef baritone

Reply #5
Yes, that's slightly quicker, but your method has the advantage of transposing the key (on all key changes) and marking the accidentals correctly.  On a long piece, that can save considerable editing.