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Topic: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :( (Read 5188 times) previous topic - next topic

OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Sorry for all the probable inconvenience. I'm apparently infected by Win32.Yahaa.d@mm (or something identical) virus.

Interestingly, the infection was partial. My system took no damage and no registry records were changed. However, it managed to sneak into OE and duplicate itself to each entry in my address book (that's hundreds!) One of my identities got lots of virus e-mails from another one and vice versa...

Reading the virus definition on the BitDefender website, I got panicked and killed an innocent registry record, which cost me disabling all .exe files' execution. That's why, I had to re-install Windows and most of my programs. (I've been doing that for the last 11 or so hours!). Now, I'm clean and protected --hopefully.

Moral of the story:

I always check POP e-mail with a freebie called POP Corn, which lets you delete SPAM and suspicious messages at the server. It can only read plain text, so you cannot get infected using it. At the time of infection, I was chatting with a friend, who e-mailed me a clean file. I felt sleepy and lazy, so, instead of checking with POPCorn first, directly downloaded the messages into OE. My antivirus wasn't activated, either. OE6 seemed not to get tricked and warned me about the attachment and I didn't let it run. However, it found its way into the system.

I learned my lesson now, and I'm much more precautious than before. Now, to sit down and post hundreds of "apology spam".

Shame!!! It's the first time I got infected. I had even survived the Win95.CIH aka Chernobyl frenzy...

Re: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Reply #1
Wow, you want a cookie?
I got CIH right now, so what?

NoteWorthy Online please delete this

Re: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Reply #2
I usually delete my cookies.
Cuts down on spam.

Re: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Reply #3
I have difficulty understanding what the poster of reply 1 means. If it's a joke, it's certainly beyond the scope of my sense of humour, which is told to be good.

If the deletion request addresses his reply, I wholeheartedly support it.

Re: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Reply #4
I think he's saying "Who cares if you have a virus?" And the answer is... everyone here with the blue name tags cares!! I wholeheartedly support deletion of his reply as well, although the request was to delete your thread, Ertugrul.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Reply #5
I went ahead and marked the thread for future removal. This enables the message to get through to everyone, and also schedules it for eventual removal. This way, your announcement won't linger here for years to come...

Re: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Reply #6
The reason for posting such an OT message here and a few other places that I'm recognized, is to let my usual contacts know about the situation without having to send hundreds of private e-mail messages.

It's not intended for any other purposes and I don't care the insults from anonymous posters.

Re: OT: Apologies... I'm Infected By a Virus :(

Reply #7
Thanks, btw...