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Topic: HELP! Needed (Read 4971 times) previous topic - next topic

HELP! Needed


I used to use Noteworthy composer at school about 3-4 years ago. Included in the origional back then was a really fast piece of music, sounded like a Piano Sonata by Mozart in a Minor key.

I have been trying for weeks to find that piece of music, if anybody knows what it is I would be very grateful.

Thank you.

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #1
There's one called 'Moonlight' by Beethoven which is a fast piano piece.  Could that be it?

Have fun - The Hankster

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #2
Robby, the piece you are describing was indeed included in the 1.0 edition which Ertugrul iNANÇ sent to me. If you want it, e-mail me and I can pass it along (provided NoteWorthy Software feels the is not copyright infringement). It can still be opened in the latest version of NoteWorthy, but you have to switch the file listing to display "Song Files" instead of "NWC files" since its a NTW file.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #4
...a really fast piece of music, sounded like a Piano Sonata by Mozart in a Minor key.
Mozart's Sonata in A is not fast, nor is it in minor...

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #5
That's Beethoven's presto part of The Moonlight Sonata.  If I'm not mistaken, it comes with all registered versions of Noteworthy Composer.

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #6
What I was thinking of was Beethowen's Quartet No. 1 in F Major, Op. 18, No. 1 But now that I look at it, it's not fast either...
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #7
No no no it was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Movement no. 3 :) check it out on a midi from or something hope it helps

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #8
...the file listing to display "Song Files"
Why does NWC call everything "Song Files"? This particular piece of music is not a song. And neither are many of the other files included in the package or on the site. Like Caverns, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Overtura), just to name a few. When I right-click on my desktop and select New, one of the choices is NoteWorthy Composer Song. What if I want to write a string quartet, hmm? Maybe NWC 1.8 will stop calling them songs (yeah, right).

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #9
Why does NWC call everything "Song Files"?

There was quite a discussion on this topic some time ago, either on the forum or on the newsgroup, I don't remember which. The end result was that no-one could come up with a suitable generic designation other than "piece." IIRC it was agreed that "NoteWorthy Composer Piece" sounds stultified and perhaps a bit snobbish, and "Song" was the most workable compromise.

That being said, if you have a better suggestion, NW Software has an excellent record of acting upon user suggestions. Who know, maybe your suggestion will find its way into V1.8!

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #10
What sounds stultified and perhaps a bit snobbish is oeuvre.
If "piece" is no good, how about "work" or "opus" or the ever-so-simple "composition?"

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #11
Œuvre is a normal term for that kind of piece, not at all snobbish, at least in French :)
Composition will not reflect the fact that many of these pieces are sometimes transcriptions --I suppose Composition means "composed by the one who enters it".
opus is more related to the printed edition of some pieces in the same kind of book.
work will make lot of people run away!
File is not so bad, after all. However, "Everything is file", so it won't bring any new notion.

Why not music files? However, I have some not-NWC files which doesn't merit to be named as music!!!!

Re: HELP! Needed

Reply #12
<<Composition will not reflect the fact that many of these pieces are sometimes transcriptions>>
Well, they had to be compositions to begin with, didn't they?

Oh, and Welcome Back, Marsu!
(Seems like forever that you've been gone...)