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Topic: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font (Read 33470 times) previous topic - next topic

Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Entering Chord Symbols and other text information with musical symbols becomes possible using the NWCV15 font:

  • In File: Page Setup, click the Font tab
  • Pick a user font (1-4)
  • Click modify
  • Define the font as NWC15, and pick a fairly large font size.
  • Using a keystroke equivalent table, enter musical symbols with letter keystrokes

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #1
Editor's Note: Small letter d will give sharp symbol and small letter f will give the flat symbol.

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #2
How do I "define the font"?  When I try to re-name it, I just get run through the different fonts.

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #3
I think that is NWCV15.
Since 1998

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #4
If you don't mind installing extra fonts, there is a much easier way...

Visit the "Helpful Files" section of the Scripto on

You will find links to some font suites I developed some time ago that include a purpose built chord font.  Using the chord fonts is considerable easier than trying to combine text entries to create the chords from different fonts.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #5
Hey Lawrie -
Just want to add that they look better too!

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #6
If you don't mind installing extra fonts ...
You don't really need to permanently install them, just dbl-click on them. they will be 'temporarily installed' until you close them.

By default, in all Windows versions I know, Open launches the font with fontview.exe which installs the font in order to display it. It is removed when you close fontview, log out, or reboot. If you have some fancy font manager installed, your results may vary as it may alter file associations :(
Registered user since 1996

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #7
In Windows XP, open "My Computer" and go to \windows\fonts.  The file menu option will now include an "install font(s)" option.  Go to where your new font resides and either double click it or click on it and then select it.  Now it's installed.
Since 1998

Chord Symbols

Reply #8
I don't bother with chord symbols at all. I use a font which come with the demo version of "Sibelius"-software. This can be downloaded from:

After installing this demo some fonts are automatically incorporated in your Windows Fonts eg Opus Chord, Opus Chord Sans etc. These fonts are very useful in putting chord symbols in your compositions.

In page setup you can change one of the fonts in one of the above.

Re: Entering Sharps and Flats for Chord Symbols with the NWC Font

Reply #9
G'day J.H.,
the Sib fonts you mention were in fact part of the inspiration for my font suites (available from the Scripto )

Perhaps you will find the suites to your liking - they are designed to be used as a package that is consistent across notation, text, symbols and chords.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.