Transposing - Playing Music Written for a non C Instrument 2002-05-03 01:50 PM Suppose you have music written for an E flat alto saxophone which you wish to play using NoteWorthy Composer (NWC). Enter the music as written in NWC. Play it with NWC and play along on the sax and incorrect sound results. A C-note on the alto saxophone plays as E flat on the concert (piano) scale. Sound cards (and thus NWC) use concert scale unless instructed otherwise. To instruct NWC otherwise:Go to Staff: Staff PropertiesClick the Midi tabGoto the Transposition field, find -9 and select it (E flat is 3 semitones above and 9 semitones below C; 9 below gets alto's register)While you're at it, under the Instrument tab, select Alto Saxophone for Patch NameClick OKThe notes on the staff will not have moved. However, when you click Play, a C-note will be played as an alto sax C, or a concert E flat. The written music will be for alto sax and the notes played by NWC will be for alto sax. Success.Success---Until a non E flat instrument shows up:Select Tools, Force AccidentalsSelect Tools, Transpose and type -9, click OKThe visible notes will have moved. Play and the tones will match for:NWC playing this new score or the previous scoreThe sax playing the previous score or the original musicA pianist playing this new scoreThe pianist will complain that the key is wrong. Insert the key signature equal to the value of the first note and audit the accidentals. Viola, total success. Procedure for other non c instrument music will be similar.Key facts:Transpose in Tools moves notes but not sounded tonesTransposition in the Staff Properties Midi tab moves sounded tones but not written notesThere are 12 semitones in an octave Quote Selected
Re: Transposing - Playing Music Written for a non C Instrument Reply #1 – 2002-05-03 01:51 PM Editor's Note: For more procedures related to the above, see the answers to What is the procedure to change notes to a new clef? and Is there an easy way to change the key of a song? in our FAQ section. Quote Selected