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Topic: How to get copyright info in midi file (Read 2403 times) previous topic - next topic

How to get copyright info in midi file

I have entered author and copyright in the info selection in NWC and then saved the file as a midi file.  I expected to see the author and copyright info when I play the saved midi file but it doesn't display.  I am playing the midi files with windows media player.  Can anything be done to get standard midi media players to display such info?

Re: How to get copyright info in midi file

Reply #1
I'll bite my tongue on the issue of WMP being a standard midi player... and suggest instead VanBasco's midi player, which does exactly what you want, plus a lot more. Enjoy! (... and it's free)

Re: How to get copyright info in midi file

Reply #2
The copyright information is indeed stored in the MIDI file, as Fred noted. But whether or not it is displayed, depends on the player.

Re: How to get copyright info in midi file

Reply #3
Well, a lot of things depend on the player.
However, I remember that some people (or software?) use their names/address as instrument names to ensure they are kept when imported in a sequencer, or shown by some players.
I think I remember a file of Andrew with this, am I wrong?