Second ending following master repeat 2001-11-28 05:00 AM I have looked everywhere in the forum and faq's for a solution but without success. How do I create a final bar second ending (terminating in a double bar) following a master repeat close?many thanksPeter Crossley Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #1 – 2001-11-29 05:00 AM I'm not sure that I understood your question well; but I think what you need is :1. edit the staff properties (R key than select the one you want)2. in "General" tab, select the Ending bar you want.Not sure this is what you ask for. Could you try to ascii-draw it, such as :|:.......|_1 :|...|_2...||?(warning : more than one space become one space.)HTH? Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #2 – 2001-11-29 05:00 AM Marsu,Very kind of you to help. The format of the last two bars is as follows: 1 penultimate bar is first time repeat terminating in a master repeat close2 the last bar is a second time repeat terminating in a double bar. I cannot find a way of "jumping over" the master repeat close to insert the last bar, but as you suggest the technique is probably more subtle than I am assuming.regardsPeter Crossley Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #3 – 2001-11-29 05:00 AM Forgive me if I've misunderstood, but it sounds as if you are trying to use the Staff Properties 'Ending Bar' as the Master Repeat Close. Instead change it back to 'Section Close', then just insert an ordinary bar line and change its style to MRC. You can then insert special endings into the two bars as required.HTHPeter Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #4 – 2001-11-29 05:00 AM Yes this seems to diagnose my ailment accurately. Many thanks.Peter Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #5 – 2005-05-23 06:17 AM I am fairly new to NoteWorthy Composer and I am struggling with inserting 1st and 2nd time repeat bars. I have read the above, but unfortunately I'm not understanding what to do.I have some music with several repeated sections. For example, in the middle of the piece I insert a Local Repeat Open bar line, then two bars of music. Now the bit I don't understand - I need to show that the next two bars are the 1st time repeat, closing with a Local Repeat Close bar line. The music will go back to the local repeat open bar line and play the first two bars of that section again. Then at this point, I need it to jump to a 2nd time repeat section of a different two bars.Could someone please explain in step-by-step detail and easy-to-understand language please? (You may suggest just writing the piece out in full without using repeats, but these bars are full of demi-semi quavers and there are several more 1st and 2nd time repeats to insert later on - and I'm trying to keep the music on one sheet of paper.) I would be very grateful to anyone that could help. Many thanks. Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #6 – 2005-05-23 07:16 AM Hi Jane,welcome to the club....NWC has 2 kinds of repeat:Local repeats which are exactly that, local. No 1st, 2nd 3rd time bars etc.andMaster repeats which allow for special endings.The second is the kind you want.From your message you've obviously found how to change a barline to the different styles, all you need now is to define the special endings.Place your cursor immediately after the barline that defines where you want the 1st ending to start and press "S". A dialogue will appear that will allow you to select whatever endings you need. Select a 1st ending.At the end of the first ending place a master repeat close style barline then press "S" again to define the 2nd ending etc.Lawrie Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #7 – 2005-05-23 09:14 AM LawrieThank you so much for such a clear and speedy reply. It is very much appreciated.Jane Quote Selected
Re: Second ending following master repeat Reply #8 – 2005-05-23 10:53 AM No worries, Jane. Enjoy Quote Selected