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Topic: Forum Changes (Read 11619 times) previous topic - next topic

Forum Changes

The forum has now been moved onto our primary web server. Information that you have previously saved in a cookie (your name and e-mail address) will have to be recreated for the new server. Follow the help link for details on how to set up defaults for use in the forum.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #1
If you experience any problems with the forum, please post them as replies in this thread.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #2
Is this why the subjects in the list of postings had all gone back to blue again (and therefore looked as if I had never seen them before)?


Re: Forum Changes

Reply #3
>Is this why the subjects in the list of postings had all
>gone back to blue again?

Yes. Your browser doesn't realise that is the same as and therefore doesn't recognise those new URLs.

btw (to NWS), the cookie delivery works fine. It however doesn't delete the old ones, which is no big deal, but thought I'd mention it.


Re: Forum Changes

Reply #4
Will be still available or will you abandon it completely (except this automatic redirection)?

Decode address to reply

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #5
It will continue to work the way it does now (redirects to

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #6
Excuse me for being so ignorant, but what is the point of having 3 servers and not using 2 of them for anything but redirection?

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #7
I don't know what you are talking about.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #8
At the moment, we have two servers: our new one and the old one. Changes to DNS entries can take a long time to go into full circulation, so not all of our domains are, as of yet, routing directly to our new server. We specifically have planned the transition such that there is no loss of service. During the transition, the old server remains in operation, although it only redirects traffic to the new server.

We will still be doing domain redirection even when all DNS routing resolves to our new server. Don't confuse a domain redirection as a sign that there are more servers in play. This is not the case.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #9
In other words, it is one piece of hardware with several names, rather than several pieces of hardware.

It is analogous to a woman retaining usage of her maiden name so that she is recognized in her career, even though she may have legally changed her surname upon marriage.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #10
Well, maybe Eric will soon remove this entry but I can't keep myself:


Re: Forum Changes

Reply #11
Eric: Thanks to keep the short name working. It's much more easy to enter :)
Joe: a woman's surname is legally only her father's one. Getting married gives her an extra surname, but the "old" one is the only really legal. The new one is just a "usename" that she *can* use. Well, at least it's like that in France... :)
Ertugrul: why should "Sysop" remove that reply?


Re: Forum Changes

Reply #12

I think things work differently in the U.S. Here, if a woman chooses to change her name when she marries, I believe the new name is her legal name. For example, all of my wife's documents (Social Security card, driver's license, etc.) are in her married name. Many women choose to keep their maiden name (last name before marriage) as their middle name when they adopt their husband's last name, but not all. My sister, for one, merely replaced her last name with her husband's. Her maiden name (i.e., my last name) appears nowhere in any of her legal documents.

Is this off-topic, or what?

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #13
In Turkey, we have lived some changes through the short history. At first, it was as Grant described. Then, they allowed a woman to keep her birthname after getting married, plus her husband's name.

The crap has begun when they allowed a *divorced* woman to carry her ex-husband's name.

Marsu wrote in
> Ertugrul: why should "Sysop" remove that reply?

Because it's too OT and empty. A bare LOL may be useful in an NG but I think rules are more strict here. Anyway, it's there for a week...

Decode address to email.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #14
In Canada, anyone can legally change their name(s) to anything you like. You just have to do a public notice (usually a notice in a local newspaper for a few weeks running suffices), and fill out some forms, and of course pay your money. You could change your name to Fool Donkey, if you were so inclined.

A local artist with a multi-syllabic Germanic name changed his name a couple years ago. He wanted the name to be just "Angel" but had to have both a first name and a surname. So, his legal name is now "Angel Angel."


Re: Forum Changes

Reply #15
Note to Ertugrul: It's not at all uncommon in the U.S. for divorced women to keep their married name. I don't think it generally causes a problem.

Note to Fred: Every time election day rolls around there's another story in the press about some candidate who has tried to have his name legally changed to (and printed on the ballot as) "None of the Above". This is, IIRC, not usually allowed. However, I do seem to remember a story about a man who succeeded in having his name legally changed to "Absolutely Nobody".

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #16
A famous popstar (String?) had had his name changed to an unprintable/nonpronouncable character. He seems to have given up later.

About the surname: I agree that it's not generally a problem. However, in a patriarchal society as here, the name, when it's the ex-husbands name esp., can be a problem for the him.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #17
You're referring to Prince, who indeed seems to have abandoned the weird symbol he once adopted. The whole story just goes to show that a name with no pronunciation is a contradiction in terms. Even the print media, who had the symbol because Prince had sent bitmaps of it to the major media outlets (!), resisted using it, referring to him as "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince". This in its turn acquired a shorthand pronunciation of "Taskap". At this point I suspect Taskap realized the folly of the endeavor and gave it up.

As to "String", I think you mean "Sting" (though "String" conjures up some funny images). "Sting" is, of course, not the name he was born with, but he's never (to my knowledge) tried to replace it with a symbol.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #18
For The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, I wrote "taskap". I should have written "Tafkap".

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #19
And now that he *has* given up this silliness, he's The Artist Formerly Known As Tafkap.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #20
In other words, Tafkat.

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #21
Yes, it was Sting whom I meant. However, I inserted the "r" intentionally. Long story...

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #22
About unpronouncable name: I remember the story of a guy who wanted to have his name on its car plate. Because it was impossible to choose the plate of one's car in his country (I believe it was in England), he decided to change his name to the actual plate's letters, maybe TXL or WFT...

Re: Forum Changes

Reply #23
I heard about that one, he changed to C 539 FUG. Personalised plates were too expensive for him, but instead he paid alot less for a name change.