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Topic: Newsgroup trouble again ;( (Read 110005 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #100
"Danish, actually. dk-Denmark, de-Germany (Deutschland). In German it would be "Klicken sie hier".

"Click on her hair"?
"Hand me the clicker"?
"The clicker is here"?

Ok, sorry. Couldn't resist. :) Took seven years of French and can I speak it today? No. I mean non.

If my transfer rate for Melody Lane wasn't already at close to 40 gig after only two weeks into August, I would temporarily host NWC files, or start a temp mailing list or something. But it's a mess, how do you tell people to stay away from your website???????????????????

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #101
Ertugrul has suggested using Yahoo Groups. The only snag there is their reluctance to allow attachments, but maybe that could be overcome with a bit of negotiation.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #102
I will prefer a newsgroup.

-- Andreas

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #103
<I will prefer a newsgroup.>

My sentiments exactly. Only we ain't got one.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #104
I've just e-mailed Bill Pirkle, who runs a small composers' group, asking if it would be possible for his host to host this group, at least on a temporary basis, but I suspect even if it could, the sticking point would be the shere number and size of the Noteworthy attachments involved.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #105
I think we should wait and see what happens to our ezusa NG. I would hate to lose this wonderful raport we have, if new restrictions or rules are added (via a moderated usernet group).

Had to get my name on the forum too <grin>.

Check out my collection of NWC files at and select the "my music" links.

Tobias "hisself" ware

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #106
I would be careful about moving to Yahoo groups. My daughter, who belongs to a quilting ng, pointed out a problem with their terms and conditions. Go to

And scroll down to "Content submitted or made available for inclusion on the service" to see what I mean - they want free access to your material basically.

My daughter tells me that a member of their group had a quilt design stolen and marketed, and is having a deal of trouble asserting her copyright. (The other side of Jill's problem:-( )

Their group operates on Smart Groups, and they have set the group up as a closed group (membership by invitation), which I do not feel it would be right for the nwc ng, as we want to encourage new members.

I feel we should hang fire for now and see if ezusa sort themselves out.


Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #107
<My daughter tells me that a member of their group had a quilt design stolen and marketed, and is having a deal of trouble asserting her copyright. (The other side of Jill's problem:-( )>

What a terrible shame. I have heard that it is the same on Geocities, Tripod, etc. If you upload files to their server they claim that the material is theirs to do with whatever they want. Unlike a private server where you are paying them money to host your site. Even if your daughter could legitimately claim copyright they could still say "hey you signed this agreement when you agreed to let us host your files." The legalities of this must be providing a field day for lawyers.

On the same kind of subject, this morning I had someone come through who asked for a password to view my Merry Widow song page. (It's a secret password for copyright reasons). Then he emails me back and says "thanks, we will be using your score for our theater production since we cannot find the music." That's great! I worked two weeks on that MIDI file, I spent over 50 dollars to obtain an original score from 1907 from Australia, and this group gets to use my MIDI to make money, when I don't receive a penny in compensation for slaving over the file??? Never again...

Can anyone advise me on how to incorporate a NOSAVE command in html so that people can only listen to a MIDI file, and not be able to save it? I want to incorporate it on the Merry Widow page before I allow another single person in to hear it.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #108
John at wrote:
> ...their reluctance to allow attachments...

They do allow. Just use your local mail client software or your Yahoo web account -if exists- instead of posting at the group web.

But as Andreas mentioned at, I also prefer a newsgroup but a Yahoo Group is a lot cheaper! (Free)


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Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #109
Andrew wrote in
> it means people have to be "live" on the net to read news

Simply not. Select "individual emails" while subscribing or later. Once you download them, you can read them offline and place your reply in outbox for mass-upload. Just like reading an ng.

However, I still prefer a newsgroup out of usenet but those may have at least temporary solutions.


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Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #110
Belated daily report:

By AM 5:45 GMT, the news server is dead.

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Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #111
Fred wrote: <PS - also have a look at MidiCrypt, a midi encryption utility that scrambles a midi beyond recognition by employing pitch-bends and other tricks. The result is a perfectly playable midi that's absolutely useless for importation into scoring sequencers.>

That sounds alot more time efficient then the other thing you suggested, will give it a look.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #112
Yikes, it's 300 dollars. Forget it.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #113
I've a reply back from Matt on the newsgroup server:

I'm in the process of moving newsgroups to a new server. I'm now convinced the new server is stable and I'll be moving yours over today.

I'll let you know when it's up.


So it will be very soon now... we will have our NG back...


Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #114
Hi Jill,

In surfing the 'net for some MIDI's awhile back, I did run into some sites that had some way of blocking the save of a MIDI, and I did not find a copy of it in my 'temporary internet files' folder as well. I confess I did not try very hard to get it but was intrigued by the method (the MIDI played using standard Windows MIDI player). If can think of what the site was/and or MIDI was, I'll see if I can find the site again for you. Then you can examine the site yourself and see if the technique would work for you... perhaps the site owner would confess as to what they did if so.

Might take me several days to get to this, so don't hold breath but I'll see what I can do.


Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #115
"So it will be very soon now... we will have our NG back..."

Yahoo, I can hardly wait.

-- Andreas

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #116
<Might take me several days to get to this, so don't hold breath but I'll see what I can do. Sue>

Thanks Sue, that would be a Godsend. I think what I saw too had to do with javascript, hiding the file name in it somehow. I too should have tried harder to figure it out, but it was awhile ago. I certainly wouldn't do it for all the song pages on Melody Lane, but certain ones that I worked really hard and are special to me, if they could be protected somehow, that would be wonderful.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #117
That's Good News about the ng, Sue. Thanks for letting us know. Still not up as I speak.

To anyone who is hoping to keep all their messages, be extra careful with which command you use to get new headers. If you choose to "synchronise", you may lose old messages if you're not careful. This warning is based on what Matt @ Americansys said about moving to a new newsserver. It may mean that all the message IDs change.


Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #118
Still no word from Matt on the ng... I guess that means we have to be patient...


Go here:

This is one of the ones I remembered not finding the MIDI in my temporary internet files... I admit I really haven't looked to see where it might have gone, just happened to think of this URL at this moment. This one does not use a visible midi player to play the MIDI.

Check it out thoroughly and see if the MIDI is truly inaccessible. When I can, I'll keep looking, I know I ran into a site where it seemed more 'normal' but I wasn't able to get the MIDI, although as I mentioned before I didn't try all that hard.

Good Luck,


Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #119
This site uses the bgsound tag, e.g.:

<bgsound SRC="crazy1[1].mid" LOOP=1>
Two problems: 1: it only works in IE. 2: It's very easy to defeat by viewing page source, searching for .mid, and pasting the result in the URL bar. Example:[1].mid

That will launch your usual player (e.g. vanbasco), from which you can save to disk with the click of a radio button.

Hm... maybe we should come up with our own Midi-cryptographical scrambler program.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #120
If you know who you plan to send the song, PGP and other cryptographic tools would probably suffice.

If you want a general MIDI cryptographic scrambler, with a generally available reader, it wouldn't take long for a motivated person to crack it, in my oppinion. A dedicated server that de-scrambled the files would be harder to crack, but with enough incentive, probably could still be figured out.

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #121
For the record:

This is the eighteenth day without the newsgroup.

AM 6:08 GMT

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Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #122
Thanks Fred. I thought I had tried that -- view the source and then just get the .mid -- and that it hadn't worked. Perhaps I remembered the wrong URL, there were so many when I was searching for that song! And I only have IE, so for me it's hard to know when something will/won't work in all the other browsers (not just Netscape)...

Re: Newsgroup trouble again ;(

Reply #123
Message received from Matt regarding the newsgroup:

Your newsgroup is in a new location.

It's at nntp://

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Matt Porter
American Systems

Everyone, start your newsreaders!!!!