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Topic: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti... (Read 6142 times) previous topic - next topic

Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

I am adding the following to the wish list:

1) Hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

2) "Fake" staccatti; we all know how yuk these sound in midi - I reckon we should the option of placing staccatti which appear in print but not played.

So come on and respond in the affirmative!

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #1
C'mon! It surely depends on your sound card. For instance, in my PC at home staccati does not get a very good effect. Whereas in the laptop I use at work it sound almost perfect. I, personally, see no use in including that sort of things. Rather, they should strive in adding features so that with the NWC alone you can write EVERYTHING you can put on a score, including the crescendo sign, beaming notes with rests in between, beaming notes from one clef to another, from one barline to another, etc.

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #2
The two approaches are not mutually exclusive. In an ideal world we would be able to hide things so as not to clutter up the score but to improve playback, and display things so that the score looks correct.

An example of the first is hiding staccatto marks and triplets when a 'simile' directive achieves the same visual effect with less ink. And of the second, a beam over a rest which has no effect on playback but which is aesthetically correct.

NWC is both a typographic program and a sequencer program and manages both well. That's not to say it's perfect. It still has omissions which we can hope will be included soon, and it still has obvious errors which ought to be corrected ASAP. But it isn't an ideal world, so :-(


Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #3
A great many of the apparent dichotomy between playback and visual considerations can be easily overcome using separate staves for playing and printing.

Agreed that things would be different in a perfect world - but probably also more involved. At least we have one program that's capable of doing both very well, if not always at the same time.

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #4
Quick addendum on Fred's comments (which are good).

If you are posting the music on the web and if you do not want the hidden "playing" staves to be visible under the new browser "plug in" being developed by Noteworthy (as currently configured), be sure to have them labelled as part of a "hidden group" under the "Properties, General Options" tab, as well as marking the parts as "non-visible" under page set up.

Noteworthy's note on the matter (in a newsgroup response) is as follows (and may be more understandable than mine):

"Although it is true that we may revisit this behaviour, the plug-in
currently follows the exact same display rules as NoteWorthy Player. If you
name any staff after the first with a group name "Hidden", it will not
appear in the Player or the plug-in. See the Authoring Tips of NoteWorthy
Player for more details."

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #5
Regarding hidden staffs, I find that extra staffs take up extra RAM (I have 128 MB on a PII 450) and have a slightly deletarious effect on sound quality on my computer.

Anyway, I have always thought it a little inconvenient not to be able to work-on the score which is both seen and played.

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #6
As a quick-and-dirty benchmark, I loaded a file with 18 sounding staves (Overture to The Magic Flute) and duplicated a few of them and muted them. Total RAM used (code plus data) was about 2 megs according to WinTop. So, if you've got 128 mB of RAM, you're going to have to run 32 instances of NWC each with this many staves to use up half of your available RAM.

There really shouldn't be any effect on sound quality with hidden (muted) staves, since they don't even output anything into the midi stream. So I'm not sure where this perceived difference would be coming from.

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #7
Ooops! I must have been imagining re: effect on RAM/sound quality! Thanks for straightening me out Fred!

By the way, your Magic Flute's great!! WOW!!

Regards, Clive

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #8
By the way, Fred, the Konich dar Nacht aria is great. I have a question thought, what do those "q" mean?

Also the Papageno arias are great, I had a wonderful time playing Karaoke (I have a strong baritone voice) with it.

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #9
All those 'q's mean that you don't have the Boxmarks font installed on your computer. By all means run right over to the NWC Scriptorium and download it. It's free and it'll make your NWC scores look a whole lot better.

(In Boxmarks, 'q' maps to a double hash-mark indicating a measured tremolo in 16th notes.)

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #10
> Also the Papageno arias are great, I had a wonderful time
> playing Karaoke (I have a strong baritone voice) with it.

Thanks. Nice to hear of someone actually using the Karaoke function. Just out of curiosity, which karaoke player are you using?

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #11
No, I mute the vocal staff and sing along with the orchestra, with the NWC itself. Thanks for the wonderful Magic Flute Project. I am planning to entry the whole L'Elisir D'Amore score. Singing Nemorino despite I am a baritone would be great.

Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #12
Doh! Of course... ::slaps forehead::

Good luck on L'Elisir D'Amore! Looking forward to the result.


Re: Its time for hidden slurs, accents, staccatti...

Reply #13
Off the original topic... Is anyone embarking on a Beethoven Symphony or Mozart Piano Concerto project? I would like to contribute...