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Topic: Moving a staff (Read 3276 times) previous topic - next topic

Moving a staff

I find it difficult to move a staff where I want it to go. If it is at the bottom of the score and I want to move it three up, for instance, what number do I pick?

Re: Moving a staff

Reply #1
If you're moving it upwards, it goes above the staff you select with "move". If you're moving it downwards, it goes below the staff you select.

Re: Moving a staff

Reply #2
Sorry, but that just doesn't work. For one thing, there is no command saying move staff up or down. Also, it doesn't say if staffs are numbered from top down or vice versa. If they are numbered from top down and I want to move the sixth staff to the second position, choosing #1 will not put it there. Maybe I have a corrupted version of the program?

Re: Moving a staff

Reply #3
Tt works like this:

1. Select the staff you want to move.
2. Start the "move staff" dialog (alt-S V)
3. Move the highlight (with mouse or up/down arrow keys) to the name of the staff beyond which you want to move the selected staff.
4. Click the "OK" button.

When selecting the target staff, Fred's instructions are correct. When you're moving a staff upwards, it will move past the selected staff and end up above it. When you're moving a staff downwards, it will (again) move past the selected staff and end up below it.

Re: Moving a staff

Reply #4
Ok. I think I've got it.

Thanks for the help!

Re: Moving a staff

Reply #5
Well, you gotta admit it's confusing.

Why not just have the Move Staff menu say "Move staff to
BEFORE (or AFTER) the selected existing staff"? And then,
of course, you need to include a "*TOP OF SYSTEM"" (or
"*BOTTOM OF SYSTEM*") entry to allow moving the staff to
the very top or the very bottom.

I had no idea it worked the way you describe here. It's not
what I would call intuitive; it usually takes me several iterations to get the new staff where I want it.

In fact, why not change "New Staff" to insert the new staff
right under (or over) the currently highlighted staff?
(Naah, then we need a top/bottom placeholder again...)

- seb

Re: Moving a staff

Reply #6
Easiest way IMO would be drag'n'drop, as in Winamp playlists.