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Topic: Chord member insertion (Read 3922 times) previous topic - next topic

Chord member insertion

I have been using Noteworthy since the beginning. When I upgraded to 1.70 released version, I no longer can use control+enter to insert a chord member note. What am I doing wrong? Help!

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #1
That functionality remains identical in the new release. The only times I've run into difficulties with this feature is when I've to chord different durations with the same stem directions, etc. To put it very basically:

1: If using the same stem direction, only notes of the same duration can be chorded.

1a: If the notes have the same duration, you can choose either the same or opposing stem directions.

2: If chords containing different durations are needed, you have to use opposite stem directions.

The other possibility I can think of is that you have some other object between the note you're trying to chord, and the insertion point. The insertion point (cursor) has to be immediately to the right of the note.

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #2
Thanks for the reply but these are not the case. I know and undersand all that you have stated (they're also pretty lear in the Help iles). I can insert a chord member if I use the menu command but it's like my control key is disabled on my keyboard. I haven't doe anything except upgrade Noteworthy.
Any other suggestions?

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #3
Some keyboards use this system:
One Ctrl key is for Control
The other is for Control Grand.
I don't know if this is of any help, but maybe Nwc accept this keys differently.

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #4
Mark - please don't take this the wrong way, it's certainly not intended as a criticism... I'm just wondering if maybe there isn't something wrong with your keyboard; your last post has several missing letters, in an otherwise perfectly spelled post.

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #5

No offense taken. In my rush I didn't even re-read my responce. The missing letters are just operator error (typing too fast for my abilities!)I thought of the keyboard 2nd and tried an older one I have. It didn't seem to matter.
I also tried the 2nd control key, to no correction. I think there must be some change to my config file - control + C is no longer copying and control + V lo longer pastes. Again, this was working until my upgrade. I'm at a loss and not too great with 98 and config.sys. Any more help would be appreciated.

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #6
this happened to me when i installed 1.70. I can't remember what i did but i got it sorted pretty quickly. try messing around with the options, thats probably what i did, i just cant remember.

good luck with it.

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #7
NWC does not offer any function or mechanism where you can disable the keyboard shortcuts. This mechanism has not ever been altered in NWC, although additional shortcut have obviously been added. NWC uses the standard Windows procedure for implementing the shortcuts, and has done so since it was first released.

Do the keyboard shortcuts still work in the older version of NWC? What version were you using prior to upgrading to version 1.70? What else has changed on your computer?

Re: Chord member insertion

Reply #8
Thanks for the help. It ends up that my keyboard IS the culprit. Only the control key functions are the issue. I replaced it and all is well. Thanks all for the support.