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Topic: Automatic creation of natural accidental (Read 4155 times) previous topic - next topic

Automatic creation of natural accidental

When I create a new song with (for example) an E Flat Major key signature Note Worthy Composer automatically creates a natural accidental in front of the notes with the Flat accidentals (a, b, e). How can I turn this off?

Re: Automatic creation of natural accidental

Reply #1
That's exactly what it should do. If you don't want naturals shown on B, E and A, write in C major. :)

Re: Automatic creation of natural accidental

Reply #2
I'm a bit confused. It doesn't put those natural accidentals in new songs (I've tried a few seconds ago). It does it when you use the key signature having one allready.

But if you insert a C Major key signature (at the beginning or when there isn't any preceeding one) you will see an F natural accidental which shouldn't have been there.

Re: Automatic creation of natural accidental

Reply #3
Firstly - each staff should have it's own key signature - the key signature in the first staff is not automatically copied into each new staff.
You can create the first staff with it's clef, time and key signatures - add new staves - then copy and paste the clef, key and time signatures into the new staves sharing the same parameters.

When you set up a staff it should have a key signature before you enter any notes.
Always enter a key signature even if the key is C major or A minor because NWC needs a key signature in the staff to correctly transpose the entire staff to another key (for example a transposing instrument originally scored in concert pitch).

If you add a key signature after notes with accidentals are entered you can change the displayed accidentals to match the key signature.
Use the menu TOOLS > TRANSPOSE STAFF then set the Staff Transposition to 0 (zero) semitones and press OK to exit and update the accidentals.

If you enter a note using the Arrow keys and Enter key
it should NOT add an accidental unless you have the Natural attribute selected and this should cancel after entering the first note.

I can only repeat your problem if I have the NATURAL attribute set on the Toolbar with the PERSISTENT NOTE TOOLS
set ON (that's the little dropper bottle).
Try turning this off.

If you are Step Entering notes from a midi keyboard the notes entered will be given accidentals only if the note is not diatonic in the staff key signature.

Hope this helps in some way.

Re: Automatic creation of natural accidental

Reply #4
One more thing to add to the comment that NWC shows an F natural when you select C major as the key signature. This is shown in the editing window only, and does not show up in print preview or actual printed scores.

Re: Automatic creation of natural accidental

Reply #5
Good catch Chris!

Re: Automatic creation of natural accidental

Reply #6
Thanks a lot you for your answer Barry it solved all of my problems