How do I access other banks on Roland XP-80? 2000-03-05 05:00 AM I just bought a Roland XP-80 and have been having a ball. But I'm having trouble with one aspect: using noteworthy to access multiple patch banks. If the keyboard is in general midi mode, everything works fine (all voices work on all channels just fine). If I change the voice bank on the keyboard to one of the presets or user banks, then only one channel will play from noteworthy (the others just disappear) and only in the voice the keyboard is sitting on... I don't know how to access PR-A, PR-B, PR-C, users banks, or different percussion banks (especially any combo of the above simultaneously) - can this be done with noteworthy? ThxJP Quote Selected
Re: How do I access other banks on Roland XP-80? Reply #1 – 2000-03-05 05:00 AM i have one but i don't think you can do this.the general midi mode seems to be the only one you can access.i'd like to know if it is possible.maybe we can email roland? Quote Selected
Re: How do I access other banks on Roland XP-80? Reply #2 – 2000-03-05 05:00 AM I THINK you can do this but you will need to know the controllers used to access the Roland banks on your device (check the Roland manual under Using Banks).Firstly set up NWC to use the Roland as a sound device (you've probably done this - but here it is anyhow).Under menu TOOLS>OPTIONS>MIDI(tab).Select the devices to be used for playback from the List of Available Devices in the left-hand column.Move the devices to the Devices To Be Used For Playback list on the right using the ->> arrow.You can have several devices in the Playback list - one of these should be your Roland instrument.Exit out by pressing OK to get back to the Score Editor.Next set up EACH staff to use one of the selected playback devices.From Menu STAFF>STAFF PROPERTIES>MIDI(tab).Select Playback Device from the list of devices you created previously. (Your Roland instrument).Select the Channel that will be used by this staff - Channel 10 for your drums.Then:-In the box where it says "Playback Instrument"Click on Change.Select the Patch and Patch List Type for this staff.(select Roland GS - I guess)(Now comes the part that depends on your sound device)From your Roland manual find out how to access the additional banks on your instrument - there should be information that tells you what values for Controller 0 and Controller 32 you need to access your other banks.(As an example - on the AWE32 I have - you only use Controller 0 - a 1 here would access bank 1 - I can ignore Controller 32 - but your Roland may be different.On some devices Controller 32 is used to access variation tones or drum kits - READ YOUR MANUAL).Enable Select Different Bank.Enter the required values in the Controller 0 and Controller 32 boxes.Drums: Must be on Channel 10 - check you manual to see if a different bank is required for the drumset you want and enter the Controller values required.On the Roland and many other devices (AWE family with the GS or Chaos soundfonts/ Wingroove) you can actually select a drumset,(even in Bank 0), by using a different Program (patch) for the Drum Channel.The following are recognized by GS and Wingroove.I believe that they are Numeric 0 based but if this doesn't work add one to the values given or select Numeric 1 as the Patch List Type.Select Numeric 0 (or 1 if I'm wrong) as the Patch List Type.Enter the drumset number from the list below.Standard 0(1)Room 8Power 16Electronic 24Jazz 32Brush 40Orchestral 48 - includes tuned tymps.They may be others around 25/26 - perhaps SFX at 60 and other emulations MT32etc. at other numbers.See how you go! Quote Selected
Re: How do I access other banks on Roland XP-80? Reply #3 – 2000-03-08 05:00 AM Ok I finally found some documentation - and for anyone else with an XP80/60, here's the link:'s section XV, (next to last section, so scroll to bottom) - it gives a chart... I'll go ahead and write the main ones below - for the rest of the chart (addon boards, etc) see the link above.Patch Group Patch Number Ctrl0 Ctrl32 ----------- ------------ ----- ------ User 1-128 80 0Preset A 1-128 81 0Preset B 1-128 81 1Preset C 1-128 81 2Preset D(GM) 1-128 81 3So if you wanted to access patch 32 in Preset B, you'd just put in 81 for Controller 0, 1 for Controller 32, and then choose patch 32. Easy when you have the chart!JP Quote Selected
Re: How do I access other banks on Roland XP-80? Reply #4 – 2003-06-05 05:23 PM necesito loas bancos originales del xp80 Quote Selected
Re: How do I access other banks on Roland XP-80? Reply #5 – 2004-06-23 02:35 PM roland visualizar manual xp80 Quote Selected