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Topic: Corrupted Data (Read 3138 times) previous topic - next topic

Corrupted Data

It seems like I'm doing nothing but asking questions! But I have searched through the FAQ and old forums and I can't find the answer to this (and no wonder! I can't figure out what "keywords" would fit this!)

I wrote out some bass and treble parts a while ago, and today I added drums (now that I know where they were hiding!) This worked just fine with another score, but on this score the data got scrambled. I think it happend when I accidentally right-clicked on a measure (it was the only boo-boo I remember.) After that, my screen was frozen and I had to close the file (fortuantely I had previously saved my data.)

Now the program is doing this: If I highlight the drum staff while playing back the entire score, the drums work fine, but the treble staff continues playing on and on, even when it's supposed to be silent. If I highlight the treble or bass staff, the drums quit their first pattern and go into the second pattern at a particular measure that is many bars ahead of where the second pattern is supposed to start. This happens *even after* I deleted all the incorrect bars and re-entered the information manually (not cut-and-paste.)

I know that sometimes the internal data does not match the visual. However, I don't know how I messed this up or how to fix it. I've tried cutting and pasting onto brand new staves, but this didn't help. I don't want to re-enter the entire score from scratch!

A note about the original score and the cut-and-pasted staves: when I highlight the original (messed up) score and I try to get a "staff play," the command is "greyed out." However, if I highlight a cut-and-paste staff, I can play that staff with the "staff play" command (not that it works correctly!)

Re: Corrupted Data

Reply #1
You can send me the NWC file to me through email if you like, but the first thing I would double-check are the "flow direction" commands, including "repeats", which need to be included on each staff for them to "match up".


Re: Corrupted Data

Reply #2
Dear Ken,

Thanks for the offer, but I finally "fixed" the problem by redoing a lot of the work manually, saving it every bar or so. Therefore, sending the file wouldn't help any more! However, I would still be grateful for suggestions on preventing or untangling this problem in the future.

I did figure out one boneheaded thing I did: remember I said that the "staff play" on the original staves were "greyed out"? I had forgotten that, in order to hear the duplicate staves to see if they were working, I had muted the original ones!
