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Topic: Where is The Scriptorium? (Read 2833 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Where is The Scriptorium?

Reply #1
The fellow who has been hosting the site for free for the past year (my son) is in the process of moving. We're presently waiting to see if he wants to continue to host it once he's got his server up and running in his new location. If not, we'll be looking for a new home for the Scriptorium.

Stay tuned...

Re: Where is The Scriptorium?

Reply #2
Thanks, Fred.

I'm waiting.

Re: Where is The Scriptorium?

Reply #3
It's back! Thanks to the generosity of Matt Johnson at, and with hard work by Matt and our webmaster Andrew Purdam, the NWC Scriptorium is back online.

Please update your bookmarks and drop in for a visit.

Re: Where is The Scriptorium?

Reply #4
Thanks very, very much Fred.
