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Topic: alignment versenumber (Read 6657 times) previous topic - next topic

alignment versenumber

I am using the plugin.
In one of my songs I have a verse with an upper voice. This verse will start with a rest.
I want to set the verse number is the same alignment as the other verses do. What do I have to set in the Versenumber panel?

Best regards,

Re: alignment versenumber

Reply #1
Hi Marianne,
Interesting problem...
You can set a rest to be "Lyric syllable | Always".
While this will cause to place a verse number before the rest, the lyrics will now start on the rest too.  This can be fixed by putting an underscore <_> at the start of the relevant verse.  If the versenumber alignment still isn't quite what you want, you can put multiple underscores together, with no spaces between them, to take up extra space.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: alignment versenumber

Reply #2
Dear Marianne,

I do verse numbers differently.
I add a "grace note rest" with lyrics = Always where I want a verse number, and I simply add it where I want to display the verse numbers.
As a grace note, it doesn't screw the rhythm and as a rest it doesn't change the music.
The verse numbers are simply added in the lyrics.
This simple trick helps even to add verse numbers for the next lines (which is useful when there are many verses) and this way verse numbers are always mapped with the correct verse  ;) .

See attached example.

Re: alignment versenumber

Reply #3
This is how I did verse numbers as well, before user objects came along. But I am biased toward the object approach, having written this particular add-on :)

Re: alignment versenumber

Reply #4
This is how I did verse numbers as well, before user objects came along. But I am biased toward the object approach, having written this particular add-on :)

Well, then I think it's high time to learn your add-on.  ::)