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Topic: Hairpin control after dynamic (Read 3048 times) previous topic - next topic

Hairpin control after dynamic

Is there any efficient way to add space before the start of a hairpin when it follows a dynamic marking on a note? So the dynamic and hairpin don't overlap.

I saw an older thread with some workarounds on this, but it required setting a vertical offset on some rests to be essentially off the page (offset 2000) and it does not appear the software supports that any more.

Re: Hairpin control after dynamic

Reply #1
We don't really have control over hairpin positioning unless you use hidden notes/rests.  I usually don't bother with that level of messing around.

However, if you're only trying to avoid collisions with dynamic markings why not experiment with placement? 
You have:
Left, Centre (center) and Right alignment; with Best Fit, Best Fit Forward, As Staff Signature and At Next Note/Bar Placement.
Then there's Preserve Width.
You can also combine this with spacers <Ins>.

I find that Centre or Right Justified, Best Fit usually works satisfactorily.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Hairpin control after dynamic

Reply #2
If you're not concerned about playback, you can always use the object, which gives you complete control over the position and size. Check it out here.

Re: Hairpin control after dynamic

Reply #3
Try this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|MPC|Controller:exp|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:5|Pt1:1,64|Pt2:3,127|Pos:8|Placement:AtNextNote

The main point is the Rest Chord (rest hidden) followed by a muted headless stemless note holding the crescendo marking over the required duration.
To achieve the proper sound needs an MPC (Expression).
To get rid of the Dot on the second note make its extra spacing negative.

Re: Hairpin control after dynamic

Reply #4

I think the easiest thing is to right justify the dyanamic marking.  The hairpin will meet it but not overwrite it.  Alternatively, if the crescendo or decrescendo is for a group of short notes, put the dynamic at the first one, and have the hairpin start on the second one.  This won't work for notes greater than, say, half a beat, but for 8ths and 16ths, it will look ok and the delay in starting the dynamic won't offend the listener.

If the hairpin collides with notes or note stems but you don't want to move the preceding dyamic marking up or down, copy the preceding dynamic to just before the hairpin, make it Visibility=Never, and move this now-invisible new dynamic up or down.