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Topic: two problems (Read 4477 times) previous topic - next topic

two problems

Good morning,
in my simple scores I have never come across the two problems I propose.
1) passage from one stave to another
2) oblique line from one stave to another.
For the second one I tried with a simple text, is there any other solution?
I haven't solved the first problem.
Thank you.

Re: two problems

Reply #1
Hey Lorenzo,
Number 1 can be addressed with judicious use of hidden rests; headless, stemless, muted notes and careful positioning.

Number 2 is a candidate for RickG's "Markup.rg" object.

The command structure is quite obscure, so Opagust's related usertool is quite useful:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: two problems

Reply #3
First of all, you would need layering to enter the chord in the third bar since it has three different lengths of notes.

Apart from that - here is my take on your two problems.
Problem one, as Lawrie says, is addressed with judicious use of hidden rests; headless, stemless, muted notes and careful positioning. (Sometimes this is so awkward to do that you are tempted to avoid !)

Problem 2 can be addressed by using Mike's (strange I know) . See the attached file for both of these solutions. (I have not notated the middle measure, nor have a entered the whole note in the third measure since I did not want to complicate with layering.


Re: two problems

Reply #5
Thank you all.  After grandpa's morning activity I'll try to put your suggestions into practice.  Lorenzo

Re: two problems

Reply #6
Problem 2 can be addressed by using Mike's (strange I know) . See the attached file for both of these solutions. (I have not notated the middle measure, nor have a entered the whole note in the third measure since I did not want to complicate with layering.

That is definitely a creative use of a slur object. Other than the ends of the line being pointed (because of the slur's shape) it does work okay, but I would probably use a glissando instead. I'd put it on the lower staff between the two half-note chords, remove the "gliss." text and offset the height of the endpoints to get the alignment you want.

Re: two problems

Reply #7
After a few hours of work this is what I managed to combine. Tell me what's right and what's wrong.
Thanks, good evening.

Re: two problems

Reply #8
Well done Lorenzo, most of it is right.

The only things wrong are :
The arpeggio chord on the RH and LH staffs should be muted.
If you want the arpeggio to work over a grand staff, you need to do this as a hidden staff since the arpeggio only sounds over the staff that it's on.  As it is at the moment, your arpeggio only sounds three notes instead of the six notes that the arpeggio symbol indicates.

A hidden staff with the six notes on one staff (starting from the LH staff but placing the RH staff notes in the proper position on this hidden staff) and then also putting a sounding arpeggio on the hidden staff with a non sounding arpeggio on the visual staff will solve this problem.

Unless of course, you are not worried about the sound - but only printing - then all is OK

Well done




Re: two problems

Reply #9
I thought worse!  I'll check the support tomorrow but I think I already figured out the mistake with your suggestions.  For the stave jump I had to study the two example files very well.  Always many thanks to you.