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Topic: Glissando (Read 12817 times) previous topic - next topic


I'm working against Finale to make a 4-part barbershop arrangement. How do I add glissando? I recall there was a way and I appreciate reminding.

Re: Glissando

Reply #1 is what you want to use. You will need to add two of them, and offset one of them for the upper note pair. I attach an example score.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Re: Glissando

Reply #3 is a plugin, a.k.a. an "object".
Use: Tools -> Manage objects -> Browse online and download it.

Re: Glissando

Reply #4
Mike, some time back you tried to help me with I have a barbershop chart that has 4 layers and I need to mark the melody transfer from Lead to Bass and then back to Lead - from the 3rd A in Leads to 4th F in Bass in m.5 and then back same measure from penultimate E to F in Lead. When I use glissando (I have it) it only connects within the same part. How can I use on two parts/layers?
PS: I see glissando in Manage Objects but not in User Tool. How can I move it there?


Re: Glissando

Reply #5
If you highlight the object marker and choose Properties (Alt-Enter), you will see a number of parameters. The Start Offset X, Y and End Offset X, Y will shift the left and right ends of the glissando line up, down, left or right. By adjusting those values, you can have one end of the glissando in the current staff, but have the other end in the staff above or below. If you have layers, it does not matter which layer the glissando object is on, because it will show through.

If those instructions are confusing, you could attach a score with the notes you have, and I can place the glissandos to match the screen shot you posted in the other thread. By looking at the properties you should be able to tell how I adjusted the positions to get them to point to the other staff.

Re: Glissando

Reply #6
I tried several times glissando doesn't work - there is no properties to chaoose from to correctly position it. Only slurs worked and printed correctly with a slight movement that I was able to correct. But when I printed the chart into a pdf file all slurs were gone! And I need them back as pdfs my target format. What did I do wrong?


Re: Glissando

Reply #7
And now all slurs disappeared from the chart

Re: Glissando

Reply #8
And now all slurs disappeared from the chart
:( - can you attach the NWC file here so that we can take a look? Deleting all slurs is not so easy (well ... if you mark all notes and then press semicolon).



Re: Glissando

Reply #9
My own totally unfounded suspicion is that the PDF renderer he is using is the culprit. I would suggest trying a different PDF printer driver and see if it results in the same slurrectomy that he is currently seeing.

Re: Glissando

Reply #10
Strange, but in a third try all slurs came back!

Re: Glissando

Reply #11
Two questions:
- when I insert I see no properties. How can I get them back?
- how could I increase the weight of slurs and glissando, i.e. make them thicker?


Re: Glissando

Reply #12
Strange things that I cannot explain. On a second try I was able to insert glissando and get the properties back. I'm fine for now