Good morning to you.
I came across a score in which at one point the tenor staff and the bass staff have different time signatures. I am attaching the score for greater clarity.
In bars 6 to 9, 15 to 18 and 24 to 27 the tenors and basses have different time signatures.
I solved it "roughly", by inserting fake notes (mute, without text and not visible) that filled the spaces created by the different time signatures. I put the code of the various parts.
I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to approach this.
Thank you.
|User|XText.hmm|Pos:-45|Scale1:125|Text1:"Trai-la la la... Trai-la la la...%br% %br%Se la Marieta è picola,%br%ghe farem fare i zocoli,%br%ghe farem fare i zocoli%br%per farla comparir.%br% %br%Trai-la la la...%br% %br%Ghe farem fare un abito%br%de trentasei color,%br%ghe lo farem tagliare%br%da trentasei sartor.%br% %br%Trai-la la la...%br% %br%Cossita messa in ordine%br%ghe troverem l\'amante,%br%nol cercherem gigante%br%ma ben proporzionà.%br% %br%Trai-la la la..."