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Topic: Ties up and down in a chord (Read 2746 times) previous topic - next topic

Ties up and down in a chord

I ask if it is possible to change the direction of a tie of one of the notes of a chord. In image 1 ("misure difficili", clef of C) the low F ties are pointing down and do not interfere with the C/A chord, which belongs to another staff. I am attaching my attempt, which failed, in the nwc file, with joined staves (2. "due misure unite") and with separated staves (3. "due misure staccate").
Thanks to you.


Re: Ties up and down in a chord

Reply #1
I think you should check the "Tie Direction" setting in the minim chord properties.  If set at "default" it should give you the opposite direction ties you want.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Ties up and down in a chord

Reply #2
What Lawrie says about the tie direction is correct, but another problem you will face is the stem length on the tied quarter notes, which will need to be shortened so they don't hit the lower tie on the other staff. It would also be nice to be able to bend the ties upward/downward as in your sample, but NWC does not allow this. You could remove the ties and use instead for the ties, but then the notes won't play correctly.

Re: Ties up and down in a chord

Reply #3
Thank you both.
Lawrie's solution was simple, how did I not think about it? I tend to give an "up" or "down" direction to tie and to slur and I don't consider that there is a third option.
I know the problem Mike pointed out: I shortened the stems of the quarter notes A b/C, even if it's not a pretty sight. I could add another line, with the notes joined by (then working on the vertical positioning of the slur) and make them mute, leaving the notes present now  with "sound", but not visible. Tell me if it's a valid solution, but above all ... if it's worth it.
Thank you and have a nice day, it's five o'clock in the morning here and mine has just begun.