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Topic: Happy New Year - 2023 (Read 2253 times) previous topic - next topic

Happy New Year - 2023

Hi all,
just wishing everyone a Happy New Year for this year of 2023.

May we all be blessed with health, peace and prosperity in our lives this year.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Happy New Year - 2023

Reply #1
I reciprocate the greetings to you all.  A new year of health, happiness and... good music.  Lorenzo


Re: Happy New Year - 2023

Reply #2
Happy New Year and all the best for another year of composing, arranging, transcribing, and however else you use NWC.

Re: Happy New Year - 2023

Reply #3
A little late, but Happy New Year! I've got some big things waiting in the wings, so I'm excited to see how the year turns out!
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI