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Topic: staff of "falsetti" (Read 2698 times) previous topic - next topic

staff of "falsetti"

Good evening to you. Here I am with my questions of a mainly graphic type. When in a score - in mine it happens not too often but it happens - a "falsetti" staff appears in the last measures,
How is it possible:
1. do not show all the previous measures (of the "falsetti" staff)
2. give the staff a smaller dimension than the others
I'm rehearsing with the piece of which I am attaching the "offending" part.
Thank you.

Re: staff of "falsetti"

Reply #1
I am interested in this as well. I would love to find how to have a staff "come and go" as it's actually needed in the printing, rather than have a few pages of rests taking up space when the voice or instrument only plays in a small portion of the score.

Maybe that's easy and I've just missed it. One can always hope!

Re: staff of "falsetti"

Reply #2
Have you tried the Notation Properties / Boundaries / Collapsing/hiding a printed staff tool? 
I don't know which menu it's on but a popdown menu opens if you press ] (the right square bracket key) .  You essentially create a whole new system for your falsetti notes, filling it with rests except for those notes.  Enter "Start a collapsible section" at the beginning of the system, "cancel/forbid" the collapse when you reach those notes, then collapse the sytem again after those notes.

If your falsetti notes occupy just part of a system as in your illustration, you'll end up with a full width system between the collapse and cancel tools.  You might be able to blank the part you don't want to see with gaps and forcing a new sytem, but I haven't tried.

Help for Boundary Change says

Collapsing/hiding a printed staff
Instructions in this section dynamically control when a staff will be included on the printed page. Using these instructions, it is possible to collapse a staff during some portions of the performance so that it will not be printed. The two available instructions are:

Start a collapsible section
This instruction marks the beginning of a section of notation that can be excluded (or collapsed) from the system when it is printed. A staff can be collapsed from the very first system on the first page by adding this instruction at the beginning, before any clef, key or time signature is added. The staff will remain collapsed from the printout until a cancel instruction. There is no need to cancel a collapsed section instruction if the part should remain collapsed through the conclusion of the work.

Cancel/forbid collapse from this bar
This instruction cancels a prior collapse instruction and forces the current bar to be included in the printout.

Stand alone print instructions
The following instructions are available:

Gap the staff
This instruction is used to create a gap in the current staff. It is most commonly used to start a Coda note section. The gap width uses the same units as the staff Spacer item. The System connections option can be used in the top staff of the system to re-display any staff bracket or brace that appears in the system. The system brace will only be shown if additional notes appear in the printed system after the gap. If the gap ends the staff, then this will simply add blank space to the end of the staff/system. It is recommended that a transparent bar line be added immediately after the staff gap in the event that a system break occurs immediately after the gap.
Force a new system
When added to the top staff in the system, this instruction can be used to force a new system to be started in the printout. If necessary, it can also be used to force the new system to start at the top of a new page.

Re: staff of "falsetti"

Reply #4
Thank you. I'm rehearsing. Up to now I have managed to obtain what I am attaching (the whole passage).
It must be said that at bar 19 there is an interruption of the staves which further complicates the situation.
Buona giornata.

Re: staff of "falsetti"

Reply #5
My NWC file page has a multi measure rest tool that can hide staves when not in use.
This User Tip shows how to hide staves in a choral work--share staves in a chorale and each part has their own in a fugue.
Since 1998

Re: staff of "falsetti"

Reply #6
Thank you! Those sound like exactly what I'm after.
