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Topic: Staff layering and note stems (Read 4234 times) previous topic - next topic

Staff layering and note stems

I've been trying to transcribe our choir pieces to Noteworthy and found the staff layering feature very very handy. However, to save space, I'd like to print the file in the layered mode(e.g., Sop/Alto, Tenor/Bass). Question is, is there a way for me to fix the look of the stems for the eighth, sixteenth, etc. notes? I've notated the notes in such a way that they have the same stem directions. So when the staff are layered, the eighth notes looked like sixteenth notes... (this do not happen when I enter the notes in 1 staff as vertical chords!)... Help please...

Re: Staff layering and note stems

Reply #1

The only way that I have found to overcome this is to make a chord of the notes each time it happens.

So , If you have an eighth note in the Sops ( say a C) and an eighth note in the Altos (say an E), you will need to go to both of those staves and put a chord of a C and an E in both parts. This then looks right when layered.

It is just to be hoped that the whole piece is not entirely eighths and sixteenths. If it is I would suggest that layering is not the way to go in this instance.


Re: Staff layering and note stems

Reply #2
Thanks. That's a good work-around. But doesn't give me another problem? After printing, I have to undo all the chords if I want to listen to the individual voices...

Re: Staff layering and note stems

Reply #3
Why are you notating both parts with the same stem direction? If you use the chord feature, the stem directions would be forced into opposing directions, and you should do the same in the leyering feature. You can move a notehead to the right in one part using the Edit Selection feature.

Re: Staff layering and note stems

Reply #4
Here's another idea. I don't know how hidden staves work yet, but I'm sure I'll find out soon.

I suggest you add extra staves just for layering purposes. They would off course have to be muted. Use quarter notes for the bottom of the two notes that are to be laid atop one another. That way the flag(s) remain up on the top stem, and no extra flags from the bottom. You would then probably want to "hide" the two staves "with" the flags so that they can be played.

If this is clear as mud to you, send me a file you want changed, and I'll send it back to you with the changes I just tried to explain.

Re: Staff layering and note stems

Reply #5
I was answering few hours go when Lose95.2% crashed (and it suddenly turned to Lose100% :-( ).
So here is my contribution (parts of it are in replies 3 & 4) again:

You should use stem up for S+T parts, and down for A+B parts.
To put stem up on a whole staff, go to that staff, type in Home, Shift+End, Shift+UpArrow.
do the same with Shift+DownArrow for stem down.

You may have to increase room for lyrics for A+B parts.

If there are too much special cases (chords you have to add, exceptions in stem directions...), you may also want to create 4 additional staves as Ken suggests. Hence you will be able to print on any format you want: 2+2 or 1+1+1+1 staves. Moreover, you can in that case put lyrics on top of staff on S+T parts when using layering.
Look at to see how I do this.
It's only an example, I didn't spend too much time on the 2+2 version, just enough to make it readable along with the 1+1+1+1 version.


Re: Staff layering and note stems

Reply #6
Thanks for your replies. I'd just like to comment on some of them...
Reply #3: NWC-Support
Reasons why I use the same stem direction: 1. Because that is how it looked like in the original piece? 2. Using the chord feature, the stem directions would be forced into opposing directions only for different note durations, otherwise I can use the same stem direction
Reply #4: Ken
I'll try your suggestion. Does this mean I have to disable the "increase note spacing for larger note durations" option in the page setup? My prayer is that the quarter note will align with my eighth note...
Reply #4: Marsu
I've already used that type of notation. But I was also thinking of separating the Sop 1 and Sop 2, etc.

Re: Staff layering and note stems

Reply #7
You're right. The quarter notes WON'T line up with the eighth notes. I'd forgotten about the beats not lining up. Well, then maybe a separate staff for each of the voices so you can listen to them individually, and extra staves for what you want to print. (I guess I should have tested my "theory" before advising) At least you can copy and paste one "playable" staff to each "printable" staff. After that, you can "Insert Chord Member" using Ctrl+Enter. Just mute the two staffs for printing use only. I hope THAT works. :( So sorry. I tried. :)