Markup Composer 2022-09-13 01:32 PM 'Markup Composer' is a dialogue based user tool to compose a 'markup.rg' user object for a Noteworthy nwctxt file.The markup.rg user plugin was created by the late NWC virtuoso Rick G.It's very powerful but also very obscure.You can download the tool via (be sure to login). This tool couldn't have been written without the documentation by hmmueller,who did the effort of examining the code of the user plugin. See: quote from this documentation: "Rick's "Markup.rg" is a small plugin that can draw text - including music notation - with many parameters into a staff. The "how" and "where" of the text is specified with small commands - something like write the following text in italics, 3 staff spaces higher and at an angle of 45 degrees. Each markup is provided as a sequence of text commands, interspersed with the text to be shown."In this tool these texts and commands are grouped into 'markup elements'.You can 'compose' a markup object by combining a series of markup elements.You create a markup element by choosing a 'command' in one of the combo boxes in the'Markup elements categories' frame, after which a popup is shown where you have to specifythe necessary argument.(See below for a list of the categories with their commands and corresponding parameters.)After creating a markup element, you can choose to add it, insert it before or replace somepreviously created element.It's also possible to remove any created markup element.The created markup elements are shown in the 'Markup elements' frame, along with a description.The resulting markup field is shown in the 'Markup' area at the bottom.With this tool can not directly see how the markup will look like in a NWC file.But by pressing the button 'Copy to clipboard', a markup user object with that markup field iscreated in your clipboard, so you can paste it in your NWC file and see the result, withoutleaving this tool.If needed you can then add, insert, replace or remove one or more markup elements.THE CATEGORIES WITH THEIR COMMANDS AND PARAMETERS: Text and Text attributes: text: enter the text font: select the available fonts from thh select list magnify: enter the multiplication factor for the font size outline: select 'on' or 'off style: select from list: 'regular', 'bold', 'italic' or 'bold italic' whiteout: select 'on' or 'off Location / orientation commands: angle: enter degrees (-180, 180) horizontal distance: enter positive number for shifting to the right, negative for left horizontal offset: enter positive or negative number vertical position: enter positive or negative number vertical offset: enterpositve or negative number Symbols: special character: enter character code staff symbol: see below(*) staff cue symbol: see below(*) Lines: solid line: enter number of line segments dashed line, large gaps: enter number of line segments dashed line, small gaps: enter number of line segments dashed line, tiny gaps: enter number of line segments solid arrow: enter number of line segments dashed arrow, large gaps: enter number of line segments dashed arrow, small gaps: enter number of line segments dashed arrow, tiny gaps: enter number of line segments hairpin(open): enter the length hairpin(close): enter the lengthTHE STAFF AND STAFF CUE SYMBOLS: The symbols are grouped into categories. Each category contains a select list of symbols: accidentals: sharp, natural, flat, double sharp, double flat; articulations: accent, marcato above, marcato under, tenuto, staccatissimo above, staccatissimo under; bow instrument: down bow, up bow; clefs: treble clef, bass clef, alto/tenor clef, percussion clef, octave_shift; dynamics: ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff; flow direction: coda, segno; miscellaneous: anchor, colon, gtrzter then sign, note dot, note stem part, page turn, parenthesis(open), parenthesis(close), plus sign, normal space, short space, staff lines, tiny black arrow point, triplet 3 notes and heads: double whole note, whole note, half grace note, quarter grace note, eighth grace note, half notehead, standard notehead, X notehead, open diamond, closed diamond; ornaments: half mordent, tril, turn; rests: whole, half, quarter, eighth, 16th, 32nd, 64th, double measure; sustain pedal: pedal down, pedal released; tempo variance: breath mark, ceasura, fermata above, fermata under; time signature: alla breve, common time. Quote Selected 1 Likes
Re: Markup Composer Reply #1 – 2022-09-13 03:11 PM Very Nice!I need to play a bit, but thank you good buddy. Quote Selected 1 Likes