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Topic: NWCCONVERTOR (Read 95536 times) previous topic - next topic


Reply #50
And already a new version at

    - coping with missing time signatures
    - fill completely empty measures with measure rest
    - processing lyrics for voice numbers > '1'

Thanks to Richard Woodroffe for reporting this problems.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #51
Version available at

Bug fix: the apply button in setup frame, parts/staves tab caused a fatal error
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #52
Many thanks, Opagust.

Yesterday I installed your tool to convert a nwctxt-file into musicxml and in Musescore it was almost identical.
I've sent the file also to a friend, because he wanted an musicxml formatted file to import in Dorico.
He told me that he had to make some changes, but at least he had it in Dorico.

Thanks to your tool we are able to distribute it to people that don't have NWC.  :)



Reply #53
You made my day!
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #54
Thanks to your tool we are able to distribute it to people that don't have NWC.  :)

But also convert xml files from other music programs and pdf scanners  into nwctxt.

I have to say that  Opagust's converter goes so much further than other converters that you may find around (one in particular that I used to use for a long time) because it really is tailored to nwc functions specifically the user objects.

I have also been greatly impressed by the way that improvements have been made following reports of something that was not quite right.

Thanks Opagust.



Reply #55

I have also been greatly impressed by the way that improvements have been made following reports of something that was not quite right.

Thanks Opagust.

And I'm grateful to you, Richard, for your reports that gave me the opportunity to improve this tool!
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #56
Salve Opagust. Grazie per il tuo strumento. Vediamo se ho capito bene il suo uso.
Se ho una parte. .nwc e la voglio aprire con ad esempio Musescore, con questo tuo sistema posso farlo?
Prima dovevo esportare la parte in. .Mid e poi importarla con Musescore, perdendo gran parte delle legature, dinamiche e parole del canto.
Con il tuo sistema si può conservare tutto degli spartiti?


Reply #57
Ciao Raffaele,
Rispondendo a nome di Opagust. Sì ! Questo è esattamente ciò che puoi fare. Se usi lo strumento di Opagust per caricare la versione nwctxt del tuo file nwc. Quindi devi controllare tutte le opzioni. Quando sei felice, fai clic sul pulsante di conversione e ti darà un file musicxml che può essere caricato in Musescore. La conversione ti darà un file aggiuntivo e quindi manterrai sempre il file nwctxt originale.

Spero che sia di aiuto.
(Ci scusiamo per Google Translate)



Reply #58
Ciao Raffaele,
Rispondendo a nome di Opagust. Sì ! Questo è esattamente ciò che puoi fare. Se usi lo strumento di Opagust per caricare la versione nwctxt del tuo file nwc. Quindi devi controllare tutte le opzioni. Quando sei felice, fai clic sul pulsante di conversione e ti darà un file musicxml che può essere caricato in Musescore. La conversione ti darà un file aggiuntivo e quindi manterrai sempre il file nwctxt originale.

Spero che sia di aiuto.
(Ci scusiamo per Google Translate)


Nessun problema con Google translate.
Ho scaricato la versione 2 di Opagust ma ancora non ho capito cosa si deve fare. Ma sono a buon punto


Reply #59

Qui si spera è un passo dopo passo.
1. Salva il tuo file nwc come .nwctxt
2. Aprire Convertitore NWC
3. Fai clic su "Seleziona un file da convertire"
4. Nella casella che si apre, seleziona il tuo file .nwctxt
5. Fare clic sulle schede "Pagina del titolo" e "Parti del pentagramma"
  e cambia tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.
6. Fare clic su OK
7. Fare clic su Converti
8. Al termine, prendere nota di dove è stato salvato il nuovo file. Avrà un nome che termina con .musicxml
9. Fare clic su Salva e prendere nota della posizione del file.
10. Apri Musescore
11. Apri file
12 Seleziona il file .musicxml da dove lo hai salvato in 9 sopra
13. Attendi il caricamento e, se necessario, salvalo in formato musescore.




Reply #60
Grazie Ricco,

Non avrei potuto spiegarlo meglio.

Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #63

Qui si spera è un passo dopo passo.
1. Salva il tuo file nwc come .nwctxt
2. Aprire Convertitore NWC
3. Fai clic su "Seleziona un file da convertire"
4. Nella casella che si apre, seleziona il tuo file .nwctxt
5. Fare clic sulle schede "Pagina del titolo" e "Parti del pentagramma"
  e cambia tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.
6. Fare clic su OK
7. Fare clic su Converti
8. Al termine, prendere nota di dove è stato salvato il nuovo file. Avrà un nome che termina con .musicxml
9. Fare clic su Salva e prendere nota della posizione del file.
10. Apri Musescore
11. Apri file
12 Seleziona il file .musicxml da dove lo hai salvato in 9 sopra
13. Attendi il caricamento e, se necessario, salvalo in formato musescore.



Qui si spera è un passo dopo passo.
1. Salva il tuo file nwc come .nwctxt
2. Aprire Convertitore NWC
3. Fai clic su "Seleziona un file da convertire"
4. Nella casella che si apre, seleziona il tuo file .nwctxt
5. Fare clic sulle schede "Pagina del titolo" e "Parti del pentagramma"
  e cambia tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.
6. Fare clic su OK
7. Fare clic su Converti
8. Al termine, prendere nota di dove è stato salvato il nuovo file. Avrà un nome che termina con .musicxml
9. Fare clic su Salva e prendere nota della posizione del file.
10. Apri Musescore
11. Apri file
12 Seleziona il file .musicxml da dove lo hai salvato in 9 sopra
13. Attendi il caricamento e, se necessario, salvalo in formato musescore.



Lunedì proverò senz'altro. Grazie


Reply #64
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 673, in <module>
  File "", line 605, in process_main_window
  File "", line 449, in event_convert
  File "", line 442, in convert
  File "", line 1903, in convert
  File "", line 1369, in create_xml
  File "", line 1338, in create_part
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 902, in process_object_dynamicvariance
  File "", line 910, in create_dynamic_tag
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Staff' object has no attribute 'sfz'

Non mi va avanti. Non so cosa mi vuole dire il programma. Cosa devo correggere?


Reply #65
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 673, in <module>
  File "", line 605, in process_main_window
  File "", line 449, in event_convert
  File "", line 442, in convert
  File "", line 1903, in convert
  File "", line 1369, in create_xml
  File "", line 1338, in create_part
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 902, in process_object_dynamicvariance
  File "", line 910, in create_dynamic_tag
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Staff' object has no attribute 'sfz'

Non mi va avanti. Non so cosa mi vuole dire il programma. Cosa devo correggere?
Non devi corregere nulla.
A quanto pare c'è un bug durante l'elaborazione di uno sforzando.
Esaminerò, migliorerò e installerò una nuova versione (forse oggi, altrimenti domani).
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #67
La versione è disponibile su

Bug risolto (Sforzando e Rinforzando hanno causato un errore fatale).
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #68
Ma la versione migliorata si trova sempre nel tuo sito? Il file come si chiama?


Reply #69
Certo che si trova sul suo sito, te l'ha anche scritto in italiano!
"La versione è disponibile su"
E il file si trova dove c'è scritto "Download:"
Però per poterlo scaricare occorre fare il login, che penso tu abbia già fatto almeno una volta dato che hai la versione precedente.


Reply #70
Allora. Non ci riesco proprio. Vi elenco i procedimenti.

1) ho scaricato il file zip della versione 1.06.3
2) Ho estratto l'unico file che ho trovato
3) Ho fatto partire il file exe
4) Mi ha portato ad una finestra dove mi chiede di inserire il file da convertire
5) Ho caricato il file con estenzione nwctxt
6) Mi si è aperta un'altra finestra dove ci sono scritti gli indirizi di output.
7) ho cliccato ok e mi ha segnato 3 errori  ma comunque la conversione non si è arrestata.
8) nella finestra precedente mi ha segnalato dove è il file musicwml
9) ho cercato questo file nella directory che mi ha segnalato ma non ho trovato niente.
Cosa sto sbagliando?


Reply #71
Ciao Raffaele,

Puoi aggiungere il file di input o, se non lo desideri, fare screenshot delle finestre?
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #72
Ciao Raffaele,

Puoi aggiungere il file di input o, se non lo desideri, fare screenshot delle finestre?

Non ci riesco. Lo screenshot supera 256kb perciò non lo carica.
In caso te lo mando per email


Reply #74
A new version is available in

It seems that I forgot to announce the previous version on 20/09/2022.

- bug fix: the positions of the notes in a restchord are in the field 'Pos2', not in 'Pos'.
- removing '<Name>' from author and copyright1 fields in the file info, since this would be
interpreted as a musicxml tag.

- text with font 'StaffCueSymbols' caused a fatal error.
- crescendo and diminuendo ending in last note of a staff was not converted.
- error in stereopan conversion formula.
- characters '<' and '>' are represented by '&lt;' and '&gt;' in a musicxml file.
- undoing removing '<Name>' (from
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #75
Version is available at

It corrects some bugs reported by Richard Woodroffe.

    - converting '&quot;'
    - work-title was not converted
    - bug corrected concerning creating bars between measures.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #76
Thanks for continuing to update this tool.
I've tried to log in to download, but am in a loop of "bad password, click here to reset" and then "you're trying a reset link that has expired."
I assume they don't really expire within a minute of issue - perhaps the 6 hour time difference from US to Belgium?
I didn't want to post this here, but I can't find a contact option on your site.

btw - my user name there is Charlie


Reply #77
Thanks for continuing to update this tool.
I've tried to log in to download, but am in a loop of "bad password, click here to reset" and then "you're trying a reset link that has expired."
I assume they don't really expire within a minute of issue - perhaps the 6 hour time difference from US to Belgium?
I didn't want to post this here, but I can't find a contact option on your site.

btw - my user name there is Charlie

Hi Charlie,

I notice a user account for 'Charlie' and one for 'cvb', both with different email addresses.
I will sent a mail to these addresses.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #78
Hey Gust,
I downloaded this a couple of days ago and it seemed to work fine except the recipient of the MusicXML file had playback problems because of transposing instrument parts being played as if written in concert pitch...

I resaved the nwctxt without transposed parts and went to convert again and my AV software is complaining that it's infected with something called "FileRepMalware[Trj]". 
So I downloaded a new copy and got the same error.
I'm guessing I had an AV (Avast) update between the first and second uses AND that it's probably a false positive but are you able to check it out?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Reply #79
Hi Lawrie,

I just downloaded the latest version myself and let it scan by my antivirus software Mcafee. No virus found.

As for the transposing problem, if you send me the input file, I could investigate it. I'll send you a personal message with my email address.

Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #80
Thanks Gust,
hopefully the next update to Avast will fix the false positive.

Input file sent.  Forgot to mention, the user I sent the musicxml file to imported it to Sibelius.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Reply #81
A small request: allowing the drag & drop of the nwctxt file?
I'm hard to please.  :)


Reply #82
Version is available at

    - bug fix in xml to nwctxt conversion: 64th notes converted as quarter notes.
    - checking for missing Time Signature.
    - bug fix concerning transpose instrument.

A small request: allowing the drag & drop of the nwctxt file?
I'm hard to please.  :)

Sorry, Flurmy, that's to hard for me to please you. The Gui application I use  (PySimpleGui) doesn't support it. You will still have to use click & click.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #83
Sorry, Flurmy, that's to hard for me to please you. The Gui application I use  (PySimpleGui) doesn't support it. You will still have to use click & click.
I'll try to survive...  ;)
Thanks anyway.


Reply #88
A small request: allowing the drag & drop of the nwctxt file?
I'm hard to please.  :)
I found out that it's possible just by using Windows:
- Open the folder of your nwctxt file in Windows Explorer
- Open in another Window Explorer window the folder where you stored nwcconvertor.
- Drag and drop the file onto the nwcconvertor program name or icon (depending on your Explorer setttings).
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #89
I'm not sure the problem is all in your convertor, but I get various errors converting the attached file.
It was generated by MuseScore and, I know, there are some odd notes (MIDI value around 100) in channel 10.
In case you're interested to investigate...


Reply #90
I'm not sure the problem is all in your convertor, but I get various errors converting the attached file.
It was generated by MuseScore and, I know, there are some odd notes (MIDI value around 100) in channel 10.
In case you're interested to investigate...

Hi Flurmy,

The 'Batteria' staff of the input file contains, in a number of measures,  chords of 2 notes  with same position and same duration (but with different instruments), see example in code snippet below. This is impossible in NWC: each element in a chord must have different position or different duration. So the Warnings frame shows a 'InvalidChordError' in these cases. But this is no 'fatal error', nwcconvertor just removes the double position. (And in this case with 2 instrument change objects, but of course the second overrules the first one.

So, because it's not a fatal error, you can click 'SAVE' and get a valid nwctxt file.
Maybe I should not call it 'error' in the warnings frame (and print it in black instead of red)?

But then there were two other things I noticed in the output file:
1) The bars in the piano staves didn't line up correctly after measure 45. The reason was the presence of rests and notes with a duration of a 128th (see 2nd code snippet), which is not possible for NWC (nor for many pianists I guess). NWC removes the duration part in the nwctxt line, which results in a quarter note or rest.
2) The calculation of the positions for a percussion clef was wrong (12 positions to high).

Code: [Select · Download]
      <note dynamics="92.22">
        <instrument id="P5-I25"/>
        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
      <note dynamics="64.44">
        <instrument id="P5-I70"/>

Code: [Select · Download]
      <note dynamics="84.44">
        <tie type="start"/>
        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
        <beam number="2">begin</beam>
        <beam number="3">forward hook</beam>
        <beam number="4">forward hook</beam>
        <beam number="5">forward hook</beam>
          <tied type="start"/>

I will soon publish a new version with:
- corrected positions for the percussion clef
- text 'InvalidChordError' replaced by 'Chord with duplicate positions ans same duration'
- warnings printed in black instead of red.
- print a warning in case of a 128th duration.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #91
Thank you for the detailed report and the modifications, Opagust!

Re. the 1/128 (i.e., the "fusa"), it's not an impossible time for a slow song. Beethoven and Mozart used it.
In NWC it has been surreptitiously allowed via the arpeggio and acciaccatura plugins.
The semifusa (1/256)... I never saw it!  :D


Reply #92
Version is available at

    - bug fix concerning multirest.
    - bug fix concerning assigning part-group symbol to staff.
    - corrected calculation of note position for percussion clef.
    - changing text color for warnings from red to black.
    - changing text for warning 'InvalidChord Error' into 'Chord with same duration and position.
    - adding warning for note lengths not supported by NWC.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #93
Version 1.0.7 is available on

    - refactoring code for improving maintainability (no functional changes)
    - bug fixes: RepeatOpen, Endings en Flow objects missing in layered staves.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #94
Version is available at

Following issues, reported by Bart are solved:
- converting float to integer values for staff Channel Volume
- bug fix: accidentals of a chord weren't always attached to the right note
Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #95
Fatto. Grazie!


Reply #96
And again a new version, after bug report from Lawrie Pardie.
- ignoring group symbols that are not supported in Noteworthy ('square' and 'line'), instead of crashing.
- bug fix for ending and starting orchestral bracket and grand staff brace.

Always look on the bright side of life!


Reply #97
2 wishes:

a) NWCCONVERTOR creates files that make Musescore4.1.1 crash because of this problem:
Although they will change MuseScore to survive that, maybe you could change the converter so that it creates the necessary "stop" element.

b) And would it be possible that invisible notes are not emitted into the MusicXML file? I use especially invisible cue notes for some purposes which should not be visible anywhere - but MusicXML files transport them as normal visible notes, and then they turn up in e.g. MuseScore.
This could of course also be a checkbox in the "Options", e.g. "Ignore invisible notes".

Thank you for this tool - it's always very helpful!


Reply #98

Can you send me a nwctxt file that creates a file that causes this error in Musiscore 4.1.1. ?
Always look on the bright side of life!