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Topic: Force a Page Break? (Read 2230 times) previous topic - next topic

Force a Page Break?

Hello everyone

I am looking at a part score, and seeing that it would be really nice for the performers if I put page two after a couple of rest bars. The problem is that there is a line of music after the rests on page 1. Any tips to achieve a page break?

Re: Force a Page Break?

Reply #1
Yep, there is a mechanism in NWC especially for this:
  • Immediately after the last bar line where you want to start the new page press <]>* to initiate a boundary change.
  • On the "Boundary" tab you'll see at the bottom a radio button for forcing a new system, click it.
  • Beside this there is a check box to start a new page (this is greyed out unless the radio button is clicked), check it.
  • voila, new page is forced.

* you can also go through the menu system:
| Insert | Boundary Change...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Force a Page Break?

Reply #2
Thanks for your help. You didn’t mention it but this only works on the top staff, for future reference.

I have been using the program for 20 years and am still learning new procedures!

Re: Force a Page Break?

Reply #3
Thanks for your help. You didn’t mention it but this only works on the top staff, for future reference.
A pleasure.

True, but that's the case for quite a few formatting goodies.

Nevertheless, I will use them in each part where I want to force a new page when extracting partiture.  As you noted, they are ignored if there's a visible staff above them.  Something to keep in mind when layering staves.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.